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in reply to Mx. Eddie R

What. The actual fuck.

What platform? Is that just raw Chrome on Windows? Or is it on an Android? (curious how deeply they look - since I'm running eg a de-googled Chromium on Macos).

in reply to Si Dawson

it’s the default bookmark sync across platforms, I believe.
in reply to Mx. Eddie R

Ahh, so anything you're syncing to their servers. Gottit.
in reply to Si Dawson

but it's β€œmy" bookmarks πŸ€”. I'm thinking - if they end2end encrypt them > won't be able to read them > no policy to violate! What a simple fix.
in reply to Mx. Eddie R

it's nice that they tell you, so you can switch to a browser that does not spy on you :BagThumb:
in reply to Mx. Eddie R

I’m glad I switched to Firefox. That is just patently absurd.
in reply to Mx. Eddie R

could you use this OpenSource project to make your own bookmark manager, or get another with built-in support?…

in reply to JoYo

apparently, β€œfavourite links”, my bookmarks list in Chrome, is a collection.
in reply to Mx. Eddie R

I'm glad I use Firefox. It's bad enough that Google now reads dates in my emails and sends* me reminders that those emails exist on that date.

(*I turned off the reminders finally. I'm sure I can't stop it from reading my email.)

in reply to Joan Albright

I use Firefox, Brave, Vivaldi. I don't have Chrome on my pc.

Gmaps shared my location with a contact in my Gmail. I deleted gmaps and Gmail from phone.

Can anyone recommend an email?
