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If you're fortunate enough to be in the financial and class situation to emigrate, you should know it's often a time consuming process — especially getting a visa. If you want to be somewhere else by January 20th you should start now. By the 6th of November there will not be time, especially if there's a sudden increase in demand.

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in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

I am on the third year of a "4-6 month max" immigration process to Canada.
Be prepared for it taking much longer than you think.
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

co-signed, as someone who did this several years ago. we were on an extremely accelerated track (yay privilege) and it still took quite a while.
in reply to Irenes (many)

@irenes yeah it took me I think nine months in 2012 and then still a good couple of months on the way back
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

Even relatively simple cases (EU citizen with plenty of documents prepared moving to other EU country) seem very complicated, I've been looking at a job in Germany and there's so many things that aren't even immigration being slow, they're just "navigating unfamiliar bureaucracy"
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

This. I moved from one German-speaking country in the EU to another german-speaking country in the EU and I know there was no feasible way for me to stay unless I found a place to live and a job with insurance within three months of moving here.
If I lose my job and don’t have enough money saved up to pay for my own private insurance, I’m fairly sure they have the right to send me back to Germany which is also terrifying.
I don’t need to hope that my visa gets approved or worry that the state kicks me out at will, at least. This is considered a best case scenario for immigration.
in reply to johanna | mae :v_woem: :trainsgender: :maxwell: ‮

@mae right!? I see so many Americans who think they'll just load up their car and drive over the border to Canada and it very much does not work like that
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

THIS. Having a plan that is realistic takes time. Especially if it's for the long haul. Get organized NOW.
Especially considering the hurricane season coming up. Don't get caught with your pants down. Plan. Organize. Execute.
in reply to zip (happy halloween 2024!)

I hadn't even thought about this. Are my fellow Amercan's really doing this? I mean for political reasons?
in reply to Wm.son

@Sfwmson I have no idea, but if I'm thinking there will be a second Trump presidency some of them will be too.