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Can Friendica do any of these now, or will it have future capability for them?

@Friendica Support Hello. Pls can you tell me if there is currently a way, or otherwise might be a way with a future software version update, to:

  1. Set all threads to be collapsed into the parent post by default, unless & until i click to expand?
  2. Allow individual users to add common #FOSS #emojis to their own posts' composer-windowlet's emoji-picker, or is only the #Instance #Admin able to do that? Eg, emojis for Linux, Arch, KDEPlasma, Firefox [Nightly, Beta, Release], Thunderbird, Fedora, openSUSE, Vivaldi, Debian, Xfce, et al.
  3. Hide/collapse pictures in posts, maybe just showing a small preview [like #Mastodon #GlitchSoc], so i can judge by the preview if i want to bother opening it or not?
  4. Install some plugin like Masto's #LibreTranslate or #DeepLTranslate for on-demand translation of individual posts, at user's whim?



in reply to Droppie [venera] πŸ¨β™€πŸŒˆπŸ§β€‹πŸ¦˜

@MsDropbear42 Hi and thank you for your interest. To answer your questions:

  1. The current number of top-level replies before we collapse the rest is hard-coded to 3, which means there's no configuration option for it yet and no current plans on adding one.
  2. There's no custom emoji feature like in Mastodon, we have a couple addons that add a fixed list of additional emojis but no ability to add more and no current plans to add this feature.
  3. Images in posts already are resized to fit the post, 4 pictures will take as much space as 1. I'm not sure what you are requesting here.
  4. There's no translation hook, and there is a plan to add it, although it probably won't be ready for this upcoming release:
in reply to Droppie [venera] πŸ¨β™€πŸŒˆπŸ§β€‹πŸ¦˜

@MsDropbear42 Yeah, I got to admit it didn't feel great replying to you. That's one of the weaknesses of this project, too few people are working on it, and as a result progress is slow and patchy. We have something to show for our work, just not everything people might want. I suppose it's the same in every project, but the comparison with other existing Fediverse software puts us behind in a way we can't easily catch up to.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan Heehee, oh it's fine. I'm just a greedy girl, who wants her cake with icing, & a cherry, & then i wanna gobble it all down. Since i belatedly joined the #Fediverse last November, i've tried multiple #Mastodon #Instances, two #Firefish ones, & most recently my two new #Friendica accounts. Each web-client ofc has its Pros & Cons, & my search has been prolly silly, in my Quixotic quest for the Goldilocks solution.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan @MsDropbear42 πŸ¦˜β™€πŸŒˆπŸ§β€‹ I run a Hubzilla, Friendica, and Mastodon, and of the three I prefer Freindica's relatively noise free user interface to the others, I prefer the long message and comment format as well. But the lack of translation and the bugs like occasionally not displaying all the way back to the beginning of history, looping, or sometimes just displaying a single message, are a serious shortcoming.
Unknown parent

Hypolite Petovan
@Sarah Brown @MsDropbear42 πŸ¦˜β™€πŸŒˆπŸ§β€‹ Thanks, I remember you said the same not too long ago, but I never tire of hearing it!

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