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in reply to Simon Tatham

My Amiga emulator of choice is FS-UAE, which comes with a reasonably convenient GUI configuration editor and launcher. Or rather, it _did_. Since I last tried to use it, I've upgraded Ubuntu at least once, and now most of the controls are missing, the remaining ones are piled on top of each other, and if you run it from a terminal you get Python error tracebacks.

But the most important control is still there: the one that lets you double-click one of your saved configurations. And the configurations themselves live in text files, so I can still edit them even though the rest of the GUI is broken. (2/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

How to make an ILBM image? The obvious way is to let ImageMagick do its thing. But I played with DPaint a bit first to get the hang of it again, and that reminded me that it uses some specific palette entries for the drawing-package furniture and the mouse pointer. So I wanted to keep _those_ palette entries sensible, and use the remaining ones for the colours from the input image.

That meant writing my own custom ILBM conversion tool. Shouldn't be a problem: the file format is on Wikipedia and looks relatively simple, especially if you don't implement data compression. (3/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

To make sure I haven't misunderstood the file format, I start by drawing a sample image in DPaint, so I can check it in a hex dump.

Make a blank ADF disk image; draw a test scrawl in DPaint and save it to the disk; mount the disk image using Linux's in-kernel AFFS support to copy the file off it, and ... it's not there at all. Disk still 100% empty.

Turns out FS-UAE defaults to never writing to your original disk image; instead it keeps a delta file in another directory. Quite sensible for some purposes. But the delta file is in a more complicated format than simple ADF, and I don't want to have to make sense of it.

Eventually found the 'writable_floppy_images' config file flag. Now when DPaint saves to my disk it actually saves to my disk. Copy off a sensible-looking ILBM file. Now I have a sample file to check against the format spec. (4/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

Wrote my ILBM converter and tested it against ImageMagick, which seemed happy. Mount my ADF image again and copy the file on to it. Boot DPaint and try to load the image.

"DOS IO Error."

(On the other hand, I quite like the wording "Proceed" in the button that would be marked "OK" these days. It's not OK, and it's nice not to have to click a button saying it is!) (5/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

Boot the Workbench system disk and try to find out what's going on. Unexpectedly, my Workbench disk defaults to a French keymap, so the first thing I have to do is type "setmap usa1" at a shell (with some difficulty). usa1 is also not the keymap I really want, but apparently is the only other available one. Punctuation all in the wrong places, but at least the letters work.

Workbench also can't read my image file. I don't just mean it thinks it's an invalid ILBM. It can't read it _at all_, even for purposes of copying it to NIL:. Linux has corrupted the disk's filesystem. (6/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

Ridiculous idea #1: maybe the problem is specific to _creating_ files (like Linux is getting some of the header metadata wrong). So I start from a disk image containing a file of at least the same size as my image, and overwrite just the data, leaving the file name and attributes as unchanged as I can.

This works better: DPaint loads the file without an error! But the results are … not what I had hoped for. Some recognisable blocks of data from the original image, but it looks as if about every 4Kb of the file something weird happens. I guess Linux and AmigaDOS have a further disagreement over some aspect of the disk filesystem format. (7/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

Ridiculous idea #2: well, if DPaint considered the file to be a valid ILBM at all then that suggests that the _first_ β‰ˆ4K of it were correct. Perhaps the Linux AFFS driver can write _small_ files successfully, and only if you try to cross a cluster boundary does anything go wrong?

So I saw the file up into 2000-byte chunks with `head` and `tail`, copy each chunk to a separate file in the ADF disk image, boot Workbench again, and glue the chunks back together with the Amiga CLI JOIN command.

Even this doesn't go smoothly. The Amiga CLI's wildcard syntax uses #? where everyone else uses * … and with my keymap issues, the one punctuation symbol I can't type is #. Not sure why – when I pressed Shift+3 nothing happened. I suspect FS-UAE got confused by my British keymap on the host, but I have no proof.

So I have to hand-type all the filenames I want to join together. And then they overflow the command line, so I have to join them in two stages. But finally, after all that, success! (8/8)

in reply to Simon Tatham

Might have been easier to get workbench to read a FAT image?

Or maybe skip the disc image entirely? Can the emulator emulate a network card? Or even a serial port?

With Vice (C64), I have been able to save directly to a Linux folder, but that does not mean the same would be possible with UAE.

But these suggestions are probably too late either way.

in reply to Leeloo

indeed, I considered several of those things!

In my days of owning a real Amiga I did have a tool that would read 720Kb FAT floppies, but it wasn't on the standard Workbench disk, and I couldn't remember where I'd got it from. It could well have been the Fred Fish disk collection, and of course those are on the Internet nowadays – but the site I found them on had them in .lha format rather than disk images, which would have put me right back in the same problem of "have files, can't reliably get them on to a disk".

FS-UAE does emulate a serial port, but I couldn't easily dig up information on how to get the Amiga to copy from it to a file, let alone in an 8-bit clean manner.

I found a lot of information on the web about TCP/IP configuration on later versions of AmigaOS, but I only have old-school Workbench 1.3 here, and was worried that a more up-to-date version capable of networking might also want to use a more up-to-date filesystem version which (I already checked) 1.3 can't read!

This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Simon Tatham

Doesn't the Amiga have anything like cat ttyS0 >file? That was my plan for getting files onto a real Amiga, but I haven't gotten around to look up how.

Anyway, there's a bunch of options at… - number 5 (directory) sounds like the easiest. Although that's winuae, so it may have differen features

in reply to Leeloo

@Leeloo @Simon Tatham yes. It’s shell is more or less as functional as a typical Unix shell but the syntax is very different.
in reply to Simon Tatham

I know the feeling… I often have to setxkbmap us before I can use a remote GUI thingy (but then I can set the actual keymap I want on the remote).
in reply to mirabilos

@mirabilos admittedly, I'm also not confident of what the (British) Amiga keymap actually looked like. My fingers don't remember it especially clearly, and I decided to just compensate on the fly rather than web-searching for a picture, to avoid stacking my side quests too deep.

(But when I did Spectrum coding the other week I _did_ have to web-search for a picture of the Spectrum keyboard, because that's much more important – you need to know where all the keywords are!)

in reply to Simon Tatham

in reply to Simon Tatham

that was a fascinating read. Hopefully these bugs will be fixed in the next Linux kernel 😎
in reply to Dave Smith

@scudderfish @goatsarah I can't remember if I used DPaint II. I definitely remember using III, but my memory doesn't go quite far enough back to remember if I had a copy of II before that.
in reply to Simon Tatham

I switched from FS-UAE to Amiberry, it has a much better GUI, much like WinUAE. And it's actively being worked on.
in reply to Turrican

@Turrican thank you for the recommendation! It carries extra weight coming from someone with your username, because that suggests it will at least be able to run one of my favourite games πŸ˜€
in reply to Simon Tatham

Yeah, I remember having read somewhere a long time ago that the Turrican games are good benchmarking apps for Amiga emulators! That's certainly true! πŸ‘ And the Turrican games run just fine on Amiberry. BTW: nice read, your ILBM experiment!
in reply to Simon Tatham

My Grandmama stitched that canvas, too! My elder cousin still has it!
in reply to Simon Tatham

@eobet LOL! Do you remember the old D-Paint promo video with Dickie Payne getting excited because it has an undo? πŸ˜‚ And holy sheeet, I just found it!…
in reply to Simon Tatham

@Simon Tatham wow!

(and now, for a second I've been tempted to look for one of the example images that came with deluxe paint 2 for the pc and try to embroider it)

(sadly, tooManyProjectsError)
