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I see that people are shocked and dismayed as they learn they’ll need a £6 visa and have their fingerprints taken and face scanned to enter the EU mainland (just like when you visit the US or Canada or many other countries). People who voted to ‘control the UK’s borders’ dismayed as the EU is controlling its borders (and they’re on the outside). Best bit is that British MEPs helped design and vote for the new arrangements before we Brexited.

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in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

How dare the EU treat us as a country outside the EU, just because we insisted we wanted to be a country outside of the EU. 🙄🐆
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

And you just know that even after a couple of years of grace before they absolutely clamp down (which is what I saw timetabled), there'll be some Brexit voter turn up at an airport in 2026, without a visa, and be furious that they can't get on their flight to Benidorm.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah It’s 20 years since I last travelled to Europe, 11 since I last visited the US and 6 since I last went to Canada. I’m of an age now where my sights go no further than Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
in reply to Cyberspice

@cyberspice @goatsarah This is why I am strongly encouraging my cousins who haven't already to get their Irish passports! Amused at how surprised people are.
in reply to Alanna

@kelpana @goatsarah Unfortunately my mother never registered her birth there so I can't hang off the coat tails of Great Grandmother Grace O'Reilly of County Cork.
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown

@Ghost of Hope @Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖ same.

And while I can apply next September for Pt citizenship, it’s currently taking FOUR YEARS to process applications.

Unknown parent

Absolutely +1 this, along with, probably more than half the current electorate.
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

Those of us who voted remain are entitled to be dismayed. Not shocked, given that it's been in the works for years. And it's not the price, but it's symbolic of the fact that the EU is no longer our home and we're now outsiders.

But we can be shocked and appalled that so many of the people who pushed for this are being granted EU passports so they can evade border checks, while the rest of us get lumped with it

in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

We already have our face scanned. Nothing new there. I regularly go to the US on business and this is just the same as their system. Its just Brexiteers thinking they are entitled special people who have their own rules!
in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah argh, I had no idea it was so long (about to sit CIPLE test in October as a first step to applying)
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

travelling on my EU passport to Scotland two years ago, hoping to get a stamp... but nah, there were no restrictions yet. I guess I may need a visa to travel into the UK next time.
in reply to Kira Mourão

@Kira Mourão waiting list is growing at the rate of 1 year per year, sadly.

At least I already have PLA B2

Best of luck with the CIPLE x

in reply to Doug Baker

@SonofaGeorge I wasn’t specifically referring to the finger print scanning (which was already being done in the US in 2013). I last visited Canada in 2018 and that certainly required an online visa application similar to an ESTA but no finger prints at that t8me.