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Peter Oborne: The Conservative Party is FINISHED for good.

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in reply to Christine Burns MBE πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ“šβ§–

I'm not sure you can say "for good" in any sense. It's not for ever; nothing in politics ever is. I remember after Michael Foot they said Labour was finished forever.

And although I'm very happy to see the Tories taught a lesson -- their corruption alone renders them totally unfit -- democracy requires a working opposition...

in reply to Fish Id Wardrobe

@Fish Id Wardrobe @Christine Burns MBE πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈπŸ“šβ§– did you watch the video? He makes the point very clearly that even if the structure and name survives, the party that has existed for about 2 centuries had already gone. Any further entity of the same name would effectively be a buyout by useful idiots of billionaires.