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The monorail is having trouble getting started this morning.
#RedPanda :redpanda2:

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in reply to BeeCycling

know the feeling. Grim and wet here. Want to go back to bed! 🤪
in reply to Caz Mockett

@cazmockett Similar weather here. Going to stay in this morning and go out later.
in reply to BeeCycling

penultimate day of academic financial year end spreadsheet wrangling hell here 😅 So basically chained to my desk at home until it’s done. I guess I’m not missing much outside 🤪
in reply to BeeCycling

@BeeCycling that’ll be because it’s solar powered. When will they learn?
in reply to BeeCycling

I swear, the more I see of or learn about red pandas the more attacked I feel.
in reply to Some Kind Of Garf

@somekindofgarf They are life goals. Mostly solitary, spend all day either eating, resting or sleeping.