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in reply to gAlienLifeform

@gAlienLifeform this is what much of the EU public is voting for, cheered on by the media which finds the extreme right irresistibly sexy.

They are voting for murdering desperate people.

And they’re going to keep doing it, because it’s easy to push the narrative that these people aren’t human beings with hopes and fears and desires, but some amorphous threat that “must be stopped”.

We can be better than this, but we never see to chose to be.

World News reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

They are voting for murdering desperate people

We have laws in Europe. No political party that would allow that would be legal

in reply to Lemming000

I pressed the up arrow with the understanding that this is satire. I will retract my feedback in the event I am wrong
in reply to thesporkeffect

If you switch out “allow” for “say” then it’d be correct.
in reply to gAlienLifeform

in reply to gAlienLifeform

If hell is real it won't be adequate punishment for these assholes
in reply to gAlienLifeform

The fact that this is breaking on the BBC, also should tell you something about the state of press freedom in Mitsotakis' Greece.
in reply to gAlienLifeform

Wow. The video of the Greek official, denying everything during the official interview (whilst seeing video of a migrant woman and her child, forced onto a boat by armed men, who were then left in a dinghy to float towards Turkey), then caught with a hot mic during the break, talking to a colleague, saying:

"I haven't told them much, right? It's very clear, isn't it. It's not nuclear physics. I don't know why they did it in broad daylight… It's… obviously illegal. It's an international crime."

This migrant crisis will only get worse.

in reply to jpreston2005

"That's something that happens. The migrants travelling the Aegean Sea, very often they abandon the children. They don't seem to have the same... affection we have for children."

The blatant dehumanisation is sickening as well.

in reply to Zombie

Yes that bit caught me off guard. How this dude just said migrants don't care about their children.... Like, my brother in christ, why do you think they're fighting so hard to migrate somewhere better?
in reply to gAlienLifeform

When the Right talks about stopping immigration, that’s what they actually mean.
in reply to anlumo

In the UK the far-right often talk about wanting to use the Royal Navy to sink migrant boats. It's sick.
in reply to gAlienLifeform

No wonder the EU wanted to give 1 billion to the Tunesian dictator to throw migrants in the desert
in reply to gAlienLifeform

According to IOM, 2023 was the

Deadliest Year on Record for Migrants with Nearly 8,600 Deaths in 2023

And BBC talks about 43 deaths in 3 years?

The 15 incidents we analysed - dated May 2020-23 - resulted in 43 deaths.

I'm not denying they analysed 15 incidents, I'm just saying that the number of deaths presented in this article is far to low, to be close to the actual number.

in reply to gAlienLifeform

Somehow the word illegal is always missed when saying immigrants.
in reply to timmymac

Which other crimes should also be punished by drowning you and your children in the ocean? Shoplifting? Speeding? Littering?
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to yildolw

Didn't wish death on these people. Just saying that the word illegal is always skipped.
in reply to timmymac

Calling people “illegal” is dehumanizing. The fact that this is what outrages you in this story kind of says it all.
in reply to SeriousMite

It is also factually wrong. The "legality" can only be determined by a lawful process after the people fled. Seeking refugee is a human right and the EU is happy to annihilate it for non white people.
in reply to timmymac

You heard it here: Refusing to mislabel refugees as "illegal" is the problem, not drowning them.
in reply to timmymac

... You won't have a name when you ride the big airplane
All they will call you will be "deportee"...
in reply to gAlienLifeform

Fun History Fact:

Between 1967 and 1974 a Greek military junta overthrew the government because they didn't like the election results.

20% of the population still approves of it.
19% don't have a strong opinion on a fascist takeover of democracy and the suspension of human rights in Greece.

30% of the population has nostalgia for the period.

in reply to DragonTypeWyvern

Fun history fact. The US and UK bombed Greek partisans who helped fight against the Nazis. This was done to ensure a far right dominance in Greece after the Nazis left.

Unsurprisingly the fascist Junta was good buddies with the rest of "civilised" Europe and the US.