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Got dubious letter at work address stating 'repatriating money to me' from a trust management co. Turns out total legit from my late Father's estate 19 years ago. I turn 40 this month and will have an extra £10k. I'm not going to tell anyone, especially my spouse. It's all mine.
in reply to Fesshole 🧻

If you don't share the fact (not the money) then I'd say something is off with your marriage.
in reply to Sarah Brown


My immediate impulse would be to tell Mrs Wife (and, when I got an £8k windfall a few weeks ago, that's what I did).

Nevertheless, two friends, both divorced (from other people), have warned me that any married person needs some independent funds in case the spouse malfunctions, drains the joint accounts and then disappears. It's happened to them both. Recovering from divorce is even harder when you don't have any money.
