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Russia's security must be guaranteed by any Ukraine peace deal, Lavrov says


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that Russia rejects a weak ceasefire in Ukraine, instead seeking a legally binding peace deal ensuring the security of Russia and its neighbors.

Lavrov accused the West of using truces to re-arm Ukraine and called for agreements preventing future violations.

President Putin expressed readiness for talks with Trump but ruled out territorial concessions or Ukraine’s NATO membership, a key Russian concern.

Ukraine remains committed to pursuing NATO membership despite Russia’s objections.

in reply to MicroWave

Your security was not an issue until you invaded Ukraine. You didn't want NATO on your border (even though it already was there in Kaliningrad)? Now you have it.

No one was talking about Finland joining NATO until you invaded Ukraine. Ukraine itself wasn't pursuing NATO membership until you invaded.

in reply to Flying Squid

“Now that I’m done beating the shit out of you, what guarantee do I have that you won’t fight back, because that would just be mean”
in reply to Flying Squid


Also Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Canada (if you don't count the Arctic).

The idea that Ukraine joining NATO made any kind of difference to Russia's security is absolutely ludicrous.

in reply to Voroxpete

Nevermind the fact that annexing Ukraine would also have moved their border to NATO.
in reply to Hubi

Yeah, exactly.

It genuinely worries me that people struggle to see through bullshit this obvious.

in reply to Voroxpete

Literally nobody who isn't just a Russian troll is confused by this.
in reply to socsa

No, sadly I've seen a lot of well meaning leftists get caught up in this bullshit. Not denying that Russian trolls have been intentionally spreading their talking points, but I've also seen them repeated by far too many people who should know better.
in reply to socsa

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Voroxpete

That was just the excuse. Ukraine is a mineral-rich breadbasket. They had stuff Russia wants. Simple as that. Just like the US invading Iraq had nothing to do with "spreading democracy".
in reply to Flying Squid

Russia’s security wasn’t at issue but the regime’s security was. Russia is like the regimes from 1984: they need constant external threats to wage war against in order to distract the opposition at home.
in reply to MicroWave

Lavrov accused the West of using truces to re-arm Ukraine and called for agreements preventing future violations.

Russia wants time to rearm, but doesn't want the people they're attacking doing the same thing.

in reply to zurohki

Exactly, and we're need to be extra careful when talking about any deal:
in reply to zurohki

Typical fascist rhetoric: accuse others of what you want to do
in reply to sexy_peach

accuse others of what you want to do

Hey, that's Republican territory.

in reply to rayyy

Typical fascist rhetoric

Republican territory

I do believe @sexy_peach was not stuttering or being confused

in reply to MicroWave

@MicroWave Hey Russia, you could try not invading people if you’re worried about them fighting back?

Delusional nonsense from Moscow as usual.

World News reshared this.

in reply to MicroWave

Autocrats accusing the other side of what they are doing themselves. Old as time.
in reply to MicroWave

Ok, so a return to 1994 and the Budapest memorandum[0]. Sounds good to me!

Remember, Russia is the only offensive party in all of this.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to MicroWave

I'm sure we can give the same security guarantees Ukraine got, in exchange for Russia similarly giving up its nuclear weapons.
in reply to MicroWave

It’s hard to tell by the article if Lavrov believes the bullshit he’s spewing, or if he’s just the poor guy who has to spin Putins bullshit or else fall off a balcony
in reply to hddsx

By this moment, he had many opportunities to disappear, I believe.
in reply to MicroWave

You find a way to force Russia to hand all their nuclear weapons to NATO and you got yourself a deal. Ukraine will even promise not to invade Russia once that is done.
in reply to MicroWave

Bro, literally nobody is threatening Russia besides you clowns.
in reply to MicroWave

Code for: no NATO for Ukraine, we get some time to build up and have another crack in a few years
in reply to MicroWave

I've carefully considered Russia's concerns and security, and after 3 years I've ultimately decided that I don't give a fuck about Genocidal Fascist Warmonger's Fee-fees.

Ukraine's sovereingty doesn't end where Russian hurt feelings begin.

in reply to DicJacobus

I don't think "genocidal" should be used here. Israel is doing it to Palestinians but I don't think Russia invading Ukraine is the same. War crimes for sure..
in reply to middlemanSI

Aren't they kidnapping children for “reeducation” and whatnot..? I think that counts as genocide...

And even if they weren't (currently) doing it in Ukraine they've been doing it elsewhere, like in Chechnya...

And, well, genocides, pogroms, and whatnot have been a Russian tradition for a long time... Ukraine in particular still remembers Stalin's holodomor, and the deportation of the Crimean Tatars...

Hell, if there's such a thing as unintentional genocide or genocide by incompetence they've probably been doing it to themselves for centuries... “... and then things got worse” and all that...

in reply to middlemanSI

hard disagree.
If you consider the behaivor of both the Russian state and its military, not what its talking heads say. Russia's intention is to erase the idea of Ukraine as a nation. Forced education, Children kidnapped, objectors thrown into brutal "filtration camps". resistance is met with murder.

The only reason people are arguing that it isnt a genocide, is because Russia has successfully waged one of the largest white-washing information operations in human history on the internet. convicing millions of people that they, the aggressor, are also the victim.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to MicroWave

I wonder what noises this asshole would make if a large pointy 2x4 traversed him in reverse from arse to piehole. Would it be similar to bear love making? I hope someone out there, who knows where a bear might be, could unite them to have a good listen.

Is that too much? 2X4 instead?

in reply to MicroWave

Just a whore arguing over the price. The most natural thing in the world for a Russian politician.
in reply to MicroWave

No, it must not. At least not before it returns all the occupied areas, submits the perpetrators to the court of international justice, and pays reparations for their aggressions. Then we can talk about securities.