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If Shin Bet have any more similar exploits up their sleeve they'll have to use them all right now, before Hezbollah and/or Hamas fall back to bicycle couriers and handwritten notes on paper. (It's kind of hard to run a supply chain attack on 19th century tech.)

The moral of this story (besides Shin Bet being murderous bastards) is that your SIGSEC is always suspect if you're up against a technically advanced enemy (like Israel, with its extensive IT industry).…

in reply to Charlie Stross

I don't want to read about exploding bike couriers unless it is fiction...
in reply to n-gons

@ngons You'd need to slip an explosive + detonator + control (e.g. mobile phone) assembly into an unsuspecting courier's bike (down the saddle-tube?). Unless you've recruited a suicide bomber, when *much* bigger packages become feasible.

Don't forget the online paper trail.

in reply to WellsiteGeo

@WellsiteGeo @ngons If you read up on prison phones, it turns out they go arbitrarily small. Android phones with 2.5" touchscreens; dumb phones built into pen caps or small butt plugs for concealment.
in reply to Brie Mmm

@brie Hezbollah seem to be *just* stupid enough to go back to paper messages carried by bike couriers riding cheap no-brand e-bikes imported from China via an unsecured supply chain.

You can fit a LOT of C4 into an e-bike battery, and if the thing uses an app or cloud-connected display ...

in reply to Charlie Stross


OTOH, replacing a significant *volume* of battery with "bang" would have very noticeable effects on battery(pack) endurance.

A "contaminated" *batch* of work-alike el-cheapo whatevers, would raise little more comment than "we won't buy *those* again!"

in reply to Charlie Stross

@brie you said "cloud-connected" and now I'm just hearing this on repeat in my head:…
in reply to Charlie Stross

classic article on Mossad vs non-Mossad threat models by the inimitable James Mickens:…
in reply to Dr Camilla Hoel

@camilla_hoel Exploding pens was a CIA classic back when they were trying to whack Castro. It didn't work. (Controlling your pen's detonation remotely turns out to be quite hard.) Now, exploding cigars or thallium in the generalissimo's boot polish? Those are also CIA classics.
in reply to Szymon Sokół 🇵🇱🇪🇺🇺🇦

@blotosmetek Shin Bet has pulled this sort of shit before but yes, it could be any other agency. It's fairly obvious *whose* agency it was, though—nobody else in the region has the competency to pull it off or the cold-blooded ruthlessness to do it.
in reply to Charlie Stross

@blotosmetek I expect your average Hezbollah fighter is cold-blooded and ruthless too towards their favoured targets of opportunity. It is a low level shooting war, after all.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah @blotosmetek @davidbcohen Thinking about that kid yesterday who got her face blown off and how her funeral today was also attacked by bombs.

Tough shit for her, ey?

Dead brown babies mean nothing to these people, the inhumanity disgusts and enrages me

in reply to Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@Lazarou @goatsarah @blotosmetek @davidbcohen Well said.
Sure, Hezbollah is a scumbag death-cult, but NOTHING excuses what is in effect random terrorism.
It's beyond me how anyone can try and excuse Israel's actions.
in reply to Will is too honest to be an MP the bar is so fucking low now, the inhumanity everywhere. And as a minority I'm thinking "when will they come for me and will anybody care?"

I've got more in common with the bystanders to these bombs than the people plotting them.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Jamie McCarthy

@jamiemccarthy @Lazarou @goatsarah @blotosmetek @davidbcohen Could Israeli control who would be in the blast radius of those devices? Could Israel control where those devices would be at the time of detonation?
If no, then it was random.
Stop excusing a racist, genocidal Apartheid regime.
in reply to Jamie McCarthy

and in any case as Wikipedia makes clear, net loss because caused >70 Israeli deaths as direct result of them killing one person
in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah @blotosmetek @davidbcohen Is there a news report to suggest that these were off-the-shelf devices that anyone could buy? I was under the impression that the pagers and walkie-talkies were bought by Hezbollah for their fighters
in reply to Jamie McCarthy

@jamiemccarthy @goatsarah @blotosmetek @davidbcohen In an organization like Hezbollah stuff is going to get diverted. Not much of it, but enough that "Hezbollah" pagers are going to get given to hospital staff or schoolkids or friends of high-ups as gifts or bribes or black market graft. (Hezbollah isn't the US Army.)
in reply to Charlie Stross

@goatsarah @blotosmetek @davidbcohen Were hospital staffers being given pagers to receive messages from Hezbollah leadership? That seems un-useful to hospitals and unwise for Hezbollah.

So they would have changed the CAP code, right? In which case those pagers would not have gotten the fatal message?

in reply to WellsiteGeo

@WellsiteGeo sarcasm that was obvious to everyone who isn't tedious, one suspects
in reply to David Cohen

@davidbcohen @blotosmetek Yeah but you aren’t supposed to be as bad as the terrorists. If you are that makes you terrorists!
in reply to Charlie Stross

@blotosmetek Victims. Just like civilians in Israel killed by mortar or missile strikes. And the only solution to that is peace everywhere - which sadly we are nowhere near.

I wish everyone would tolerate everyone else and nobody would have to attack anyone. However, in this case the attack was absolutely as targeted as possible, by turning devices issued to and used by the enemy force into the weapon. If you have to have shots fired, seems better to me than the indiscriminate bombing.

in reply to Charlie Stross

@blotosmetek plenty of cold blooded ruthlessness to go round in that region. Ability is another matter entirely. And I *really* don't see something on this scale being favoured as a false flag operation by anyone else conceivably possessing the ability - guaranteed to lose too many assets to justify it, if nothing else.
in reply to Charlie Stross

I reckon you could make quite a bang by salting the frame of a bike with C4 and connecting the detonator to a GPS receiver.
in reply to Charlie Stross

The moral of the story is that this attack was performed not to kill or main a few dozen pager holding Hezbollah, but precisely to force them back into bicycle couriers and handwritten notes. It attacks their ability to coordinate themselves as an organisation.
in reply to Ben Curthoys

Did you ever read Assange's original Wikileaks manifesto? The point was not to leak per-se, but to make the people with secrets so paranoid about leaks that they couldn't get anything done.
in reply to jwz

Well... all electric bikes basically are..

Or... not a bomb, really, more like a pipe fire hazard that cannot be easily put out...

in reply to Charlie Stross

the thing for me with this, is that they got this deep into their suppliers to distribute thousands of remote explosives around the world. Basically every single bit of tech they have is now suspect. If they can do pagers and radios there is nothing stopping then doing keyboards, laptops, phones, headphones, or any thing else with a power supply. The level of institutional mistrust and chaos this is going to create is priceless.

I would not be surprised at this point if something else explodes tomorrow.

They could have bugged everything, but instead boom.

in reply to Charlie Stross

What gets me about this ...
This is a classic type of "command & control decapitation" attack. Up there with bombing Berlin while landing in Calais/ Normandy, who knew in the first few hours?
So ... where is the second round?

I read : some politician forced Mossad/Shin Bet to use a long-prepared attack ... but has bottled-out at phase 2 (re-invasion of Lebanon).
Corollary : the spooks are REALLY pissed at wasting a long-prepared attack. $politician$ has a potent internal enemy.

reshared this

in reply to WellsiteGeo

@WellsiteGeo fortunately for Netanyahu, the kind of intelligence officer who organizes a coup or assassination, or turns a blind eye on assassination plots as likely occurred with Rabin, tends to be a right-winger.
in reply to Fazal Majid

I suspect the type of intelligence officer who has a pulse tends to be a right-winger.

I've never trusted *any* government sufficiently to lend that sort of support. I literally can't conceive of the left-wingers I associate with being so naïvely stupid. Right-wingers - they *loooove* the grinding of jack-boots into faces.

in reply to WellsiteGeo

@WellsiteGeo @fazalmajid s/right-wingers/authoritarians/ — in communist countries you get left-wing authoritarians. Same personality type, just spouting different talking points as they beat up the socially liberal dissidents.
in reply to Charlie Stross

is this really signals? It sounds like logistics/supply chain. It’s the old “army marches on its stomach” notion, but, expanded to include all the other things they purchase. Food. Socks. Guns. Bullets. Pagers.