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in reply to Charlie Stross

Only slightly less ridiculous than this product to spy your cat…

Charlie Stross reshared this.

in reply to Charlie Stross

I seriously hope the AI assisted coffee maker goes the way of the Juicero juicer. The technobabble in that link is quite a thing. Talking of fashion, is fast fashion, or even traditional fashion, the equivalent of enshitification for clothing?
in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross Am sure I have seen "smart mugs" in the Apple Store for silly money and just ... no.
in reply to Charlie Stross

@Charlie Stross I must confess I did not investigate the details any further than, "I have no idea why this product exists nor do I want to find out"
in reply to Charlie Stross

It seems like they would have to sell you coffee with very specific characteristics to be able to actually duplicate your consumption experience.
I can't imagine my coffee maker telling me I need to drink more to maintain my caffeine ingestion profile. Or you may have only a half cup of this or it will skew your data.
in reply to Charlie Stross

@bjn my M1Pro MacBook Pros (I ended up with two of them by accident) are now in their fourth year, and it still feels weird how i feel absolutely no pressure to upgrade computers that old, and can't see anything on the horizon that'll bring that pressure. And I always was an eager upgrader.

Apple Silicon seems to have (accidentally?) brought on that market maturity. They can only ruin it by enshittifying services, and there's Asahi Linux for that day.

in reply to Rachel Greenham

@StrangeNoises @bjn Same. We've got one Mac update to do in the next few months— @feorag is still on an Intel iMac, I think their next will be an M4Pro Mac Mini—but then I reckon we'll be stable for several yers.

BUT … Tim Cook is 64. I expect him to retire by 70. And after Tim departs I think it likely that Apple will be no more enshittifiction-proof than Google or Microsoft.

in reply to Charlie Stross

@bjn @feorag i suspect so. btw also one intel iMac remaining, but it's already on Ubuntu, even though it's just about recent enough it could still run the latest macos. (I had an intel-linux-requiring job for it.)
in reply to Rachel Greenham

@StrangeNoises @bjn @feorag Clients I work for require managed devices. I have a choice between windows and a Mac Book Pro. Guess what I got. I run Docker/Colima Linux containers when I need them. Personally I have an intel mac and I will be getting Mac Mini shortly. My elderly iMac (13 years old) is being retired.
in reply to Charlie Stross

Coffee as a Service with our convenient subscription models and integration of blockchain.