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As a Brit the name "GitHub" will never stop being amusing to me. (Git being British slang for a nasty, unpleasant person, generally a man.) So I'm like "GitHub? Sounds like some pubs I know, amirite?"

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in reply to BeeCycling

sadly we don’t seem to use git (the insult) much these days, which is a shame, as it is one of my faves for no readily apparent reason 😂
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Caz Mockett
yes to all of that! 😂
in reply to BeeCycling

"I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First 'Linux', now 'git'." - Linus Torvalds
in reply to BeeCycling

I've heard that joke for ages 😅 Linus Torvalds named two big projects after himself, linux and git
in reply to BeeCycling

git is (maybe) indeed named after said british word.…

in reply to qwazix

I thought the "git" moniker was a reference to Andrew Tridgell who objected to the proprietary source control system Linus had been using.
in reply to BeeCycling

I always end up emphasizing the Git when it is giving me grief