Elite on the Apple II contains code by Ian Bell and David Braben.
No surprises there.
But did you know it also contains code by Steve Wozniak, Randy Wigginton and Rob Northen?
Find out why in my latest deep dive.
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #8bit #apple #elite
File operations with embedded Apple DOS - Elite on the 6502
A deep dive into file operations with embedded Apple DOS in Apple II Eliteelite.bbcelite.com
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(Via the OU Contract Law module). Are terms and conditions better with 1990s computer music?
Shortened Terms and Conditions
For Safer Internet Day this year, we focused on our Terms of Service and how familiarising yourself with them can improve your Habbo experience.YouTube
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That works for people switching within Star Fleet, but what if I were a yoga instructor with some sort of injury and decided to retrain as a therapist and became an expert on idk, space station agoaphobia? That would be moving from a civilian role to something at least Star Fleet adjacent.
... I guess there's the TNG bartender....
They end up in the Red Shirts section and quickly get destroyed.
The fleet thinking is 'mature students have good wide range of experience therefore should survive unfamiliar conditions'. Unfortunately, lack of O2 is not something you can get used to by experience.
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes, Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening, Lingered upon the pools that stand in drains, Let fall upon its back the soot that …The Poetry Foundation
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I strongly dislike the fact that we now basically have to reevaluate all domains under management, and the infrastructure that depends on the associated DNS records, in light of this new insider threat from an asshole with a sharpie.
Especially given how eager US tech companies are to comply with whatever these fuckers come up with next.
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I was thinking over/into my beer just now. I want there to be a website for trans eggs. Is there one? Not just useful information, but actually something much closer to advertising. There's this narrative that shapes being trans as undesirable, faulty, at best a disorder to be treated and pitied.
But being trans is amazing, and I think we should be shouting about it to as many people who need to hear as we can reach.
Sion [main] reshared this.
A friend is having surgery at the same hospital I was in almost three years ago. It's bringing back so many happy memories, of daft things and frets, of little surprises and joys.
When trans women make ourselves more truly who we are, we do amazing things. Ain't no power in the 'verse can stop us.
Davie Dean reshared this.
This is not good: Apple ordered to open encrypted user accounts globally to UK spying. The secret order would give the UK access to encrypted backups belonging to any user — not just Brits.
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Do I know any psychologists on here? I'm wondering if there's been significant study of the variety of ways trans people relate to and think/feel about their pretransition selves. If that's even psychology!
(I could just go diving in, looking for papers, but that often fails in subjects I know little about because I lack the terminology to know what I'm looking for.)
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@Zumbador I think I agree. I think there are a lot of great counsellors in this space with kind of "meso" scale experience, things they've learnt from many patients, etc. I think this and support groups etc is probably the best place to look.
But psychology in the paper-mill" "Professor of Brainiology, OBE, CBE, bar, bar, sense at the University of Old", I'd be very skeptical about.
Throughout history, as a profession they always seem to be playing catch up with reality and enabling lots of horrible things done by states. It seem like quite a foetid hunting ground.
I don't like to be abstract political, so here's a concrete example from a paper on Autism.
There was an experiment which showed that autistic people were more consistent in applying professed beliefs in private (a faked experiment where subjects were asked to eat taboo-animal meet in exchange for money, in company and alone).
This increased consistency was pathologised as autistic people failing to adapt to social situations by not being hypocritical in private. They did brain scans and stuff to show the hypocrisy nexus and suggested interventions to fire it up in autistic people.
I suspect this is very likely how that kind of psychology works in the trans space too.
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Talk to me about lipstick, my combined soshul masses!
In particular, how the hell do you apply the stuff when you don't really have any lips to speak of? I either end up with the barely perceptible impression I might have drunk some red wine or JACKSON POLLOCK CRAYON EDITION.
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Can't comment on lips (lots of women use filler these days ofc), but if it helps as a general outline, this is pretty much my normal routine, and it's 5-10 minutes
I use different products (a dark brown mascara, a more neutral lippie) but same basic principles
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No big deal just Linux running in a PDF.
GitHub - ading2210/linuxpdf: Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator
Linux running inside a PDF file via a RISC-V emulator - ading2210/linuxpdfGitHub
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Cis male friend sent me this, which is interesting. Most of the "low confidence" stuff I can take or leave but occasionally switching around formulations of allegedly the same dose of E seems very plausible; friends have switched from valerate to hemihydrate and had a bit of a growth spurt.
I grew big breasts on HRT by doing this 👈 😮 (it might be all placebo tho)
I started HRT at 34; I'm now just 41. This is how my breasts look after 6½ years of transition: In a well-fitted bra Nude, front P...elilla & friends’ very occasional blog thing
Issue: Small sheep goes into trance mode if cuddled.
Steps to reproduce: Embrace small sheep. Apply skritching to neck and breastbone. Observe behaviour of small sheep.
Frequency: 100% (although if biscuits are present there may be an override condition).
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Gets sent something helpful from therapist.
Read read read
Argh “reign in” irrational twitch grumble sassenfrassen
Brain loses all information, goes to rant on soshul, starts painstaking research on this mondegreen…
Today I heard:
"however, the truth was much stranger than reality".
I have questions!
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Strange the way anti-hype works just like hype. From the results I've seen,
DeepSeek's answers are far worse than, say ChatGPTs. They're much vaguer and more rambling, often largely unrelated to the question asked. Not only do they read like an undergrad essay, they read like the student was drunk.
Also, when there are export restrictions on stuff you're buying from another country and you report that you came in just under the magic number, well, surprise, surprise.
Sure, there's no reason Chinese researchers couldn't do this stuff just as well as the US or better. And, yeah, the AI bubble bursting is a real popcorn moment for us all, all the same.
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Metin Seven 🎨
in reply to Mark Moxon • • •