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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Ok, but maybe some sort of IPx7 couch, to accommodate the dolphins?

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Everything wrong with British politics in one article

"Former chancellor Zahawi mulling bid for the Telegraph"

This entry was edited (4 days ago)

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Happy π approximation day to those who celebrate. Don't let the continued fractions bite.

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.


The New York Times, Washington Post, and Democrat Party leadership have just handed the White House to Donald Trump on a silver platter. 💀💀💀

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Unknown parent

Joshua A.C. Newman

This is the risk.

Every Bloomberg that tries to take her down will go dirty. They will be united it tearing her down in ways that don’t get us a Democratic President, but just flood the zone with shit.

Edit: the first Bloomberg, this one named Manchin, didn’t last a full work day against her.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
Unknown parent

Sharan Volin
@theory At this point it's pretty clear she's the candidate. And people are excited (I know I am). She got an all time record in donations and 28,000 people called to volunteer within a day.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

So here's another year long exposure showing the sun's motion if you take a picture at the same time every day. it was taken looking West from my garden in NZ. This was taken using an ISO 2 glass 8 inch x 10 inch plate in a pinhole camera working at F/350. one minute exposures were taken every sunny day from July 2023 to july 2024 #analemmaa #analogue #astronomy
Unknown parent

Caterine Vauban
IIIII get it nooww 🌞

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

An elementary combinatorics exercise:

"Revelations 13:1 says 'I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name'. Assuming that the horns are indistinguishable, in how many ways could they be distributed among the seven heads? (Assume that the blasphemous names are all different.). What if each horn is different?"

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

in reply to Mark Dominus

Content warning: Spoiler

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Brent Yorgey

Content warning: Spoiler

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Content warning: #2961 CrowdStrike

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Someone has finally been done in modern times for *checks notes* "Handling a Salmon under Suspicious Circumstances"

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Unknown parent

@pndc As I said... modern times.

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I have come to the firm conclusion that noun-adjective is the correct order and this is just one of the ways that English is stupid.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

Yeah, I read it first as "Thames swan counters hope; numbers recover…" (which is not supported by the provided orthography but people sometimes type sloppily) and then wondered what hope numbers were, then got the right parse.

PTC collects these things, ISTR.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Unknown parent

Eli the Bearded

Might need to stick these on vending machines, too, for less funny reasons.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Just seen the best bit of commentary on transmisogyny I’ve seen in ages: if you want to know how a man treats cis women in private, look at how he treats trans women in public.
Unknown parent

@JustinMac84 how come transphobes always accuse trans women of being perverts in women’s locker rooms oogling cis women but they never accuse trans men of sneaking into men’s locker room to oogle cis men? If they view the genders as equal why not criticize all trans people the same way accross the board?
Unknown parent

@JustinMac84 yes exactly. Transphobes are sexist just like you said. Some prejudices are not separable from one another because they rest on the same assumptions.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Tories are such pricks. Desperately afraid of freedom of movement even being discussed. Why?

Freedom of movement was the best thing about being in the EU. Tories are a bunch of fucking xenophobes and we left them in charge for 14 years.

And Labour are not going to fix it because they're scared of... What, exactly? Of upsetting Reform? Upsetting Reform just shows you're doing something worthwhile


in reply to Ghost of Hope

to get freedom of movement back, that'll probably mean rejoining - and then it'll be Labour's fault when the UK only gets the same deal as everyone else in the EU, and not the preferential one they used to have.

And have to give up the all mighty £ for the dirty dirty €! The indignity!

in reply to Ghost of Hope

"We want to fix the Economy"

"So you'll be joining the Single Market and Customs Union, yes? Like Business is telling you?"

"NO! Stinky forrins! bad! bad! You're a traitor for suggesting it, go away!"

#UKPOL #UKpolitics

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Content warning: lewd, screenshot of tumblr post

in reply to Foone🏳️‍⚧️

Content warning: re: lewd, screenshot of tumblr post

in reply to Clover

Content warning: re: lewd, screenshot of tumblr post

Musings on fighting good fights...

The best lack all spoons, while the worst are full of passionate intensity

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

a The worst have Gatling guns made of the spoons of the fallen.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

it's fucking crazy to me that we have a real life Voight-Kampff test and it fucking works

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Content warning: Fedi Metta

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

I don't know how true this is, but it definitely feels it a lot of the time!

Link Post: Why are people so anxious all of the time?
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@andrewducker I knew someone who claims that the brain should be considered as an organ like the stomach, secreting ideas and worries because it's a brain (sometimes getting ill, or having a bad day, or whatever), it's what it does, like the stomach secrete's acid and gurgles. And that it's that we worry about worrying, more than we worry about our stomach stomaching that's the real problem.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

in reply to kæt

@chiffchaff @andrewducker it's an intriguing model. I'm not sure how far it supports the conclusions though. If I have recurring stomach aches then it seems reasonable to ask if I'm throwing the wrong stuff at my stomach.
in reply to Adam

@chiffchaff @andrewducker maybe given I have chronic gastrointestinal disorder my perspective is a little warped
in reply to kæt

@chiffchaff @andrewducker Yes, that's my point. Regarding its complaints as inherently _not_ pathological is exactly what I'm objecting to.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Chilling out on a shady bench passing time before I have to get a taxi to the airport. Absolutely loving the pictures of shocked and disappointed French right wingers that I keep seeing in my masto feed 🐂👍🦌😆

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in reply to a stinky ox 🐂

Already going to the airport ? So what time you think you should be in UK ?
in reply to Giles Goat

@gilesgoat nah not going yet, I will probably go get tapas and a beer at some point. Flight doesn't board until 17:50. Leaves 18:30, it's a couple of hours I think.
in reply to a stinky ox 🐂

Gave the beasties their usual biscuits, they are all flumping in the stables, the weather starts nice today, it should stay like this for some days so the shearer guy could come. Almost got spit by Maya again ( tried to pet her ).
in reply to marksemczyszyn

@marksemczyszyn @gilesgoat yeah wish I could stay longer, only got here on Friday. Still, it's been nice to see a couple of days of actual summer.
in reply to a stinky ox 🐂

@gilesgoat yeah I know what you mean. Got here Friday too. Back home tomorrow. But we shall be back.
in reply to a stinky ox 🐂

@marksemczyszyn @Mafalda Eu preciso de ir a Portugal para praticar meu portugues. Nos podemos pedir cervejas todo o dia e comer batatas firtas com peixe ou bife enquanto caminhemos para as cidades em frente do mar.

So delighted at the news from France. Definitely needed that. The French two-round system may be bonkers but it does give the public the chance to say “non” to an inadvisable outcome from the first round.

Witchzilla reshared this.

in reply to Conor Mc Bride

@Conor Mc Bride Well, bonkers is relative. As a good little liberal I like the idea of STV (as used for Assembly elections in NI)
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

And everything in the whole of Ireland apart from Westminster in the North. Wouldn't be without it!

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Anyone trying to downplay or put to the negative what happened to France this evening probably doesn’t like democracy. This is an absolute win against populism and fascism, with a record number of people casting their votes. I’m more than happy with the result

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Content warning: Transphobia, UK politics

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in reply to Girl on the Net

Content warning: Transphobia, UK politics

in reply to mxtress sparks after darks

Content warning: Transphobia, UK politics

“It would shit the bed in a way that can’t be recovered from in any trousers”. Mixed metaphors are messy

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Have nothing in your home that you do not
● know to be useful
● believe to be beautiful
● feel unaccountable vague fondness for
● can imagine a hypothetical situation in which you'd *really* need it
● firmly intend to get round to doing something with one of these days
● can't remove because of all the other junk piled on top of it
● feel guilty about not dealing with something more important first
● fear throwing away in case you remember tomorrow why you bought it
● miscellaneous

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in reply to Simon Tatham

Bullshit. Not everything has to be useful to be worthwhile.
in reply to pinkdrunkenelephants

@pinkdrunkenelephants huh. It's been interesting, reading the replies to this toot, that some people thought it was pro-hoarding ("thank you for validating") and some anti ("I feel called out"). But you're the first one who's been sure enough of your interpretation to be actually rude about it.
in reply to Simon Tatham

You needed to hear it from someone and maybe, instead of projecting your own rudeness onto others, you ought to start listening when other people reply to you.

Or you can put your ego first and get snippy and defensive like you always do. 🤷 Either way, doesn't matter to me. You're the only one who's gonna suffer thinking that way.

in reply to pinkdrunkenelephants

@pinkdrunkenelephants "like I always do"? Have we interacted before?

In fact, I intended this post as a more or less value-neutral description of how people in practice think about objects in their home that the likes of Marie Kondo or William Morris would insist they throw away. I hadn't really meant it to be pro _or_ anti; just NPOV, "these are some of the reasons people in fact keep things".

But if you say "bullshit" to me, I also think it's NPOV to say you were rude.

in reply to Simon Tatham

@Simon Tatham @pinkdrunkenelephants Got to say I didn't read it as in favour of any particular behaviour but more a whimsical reflection on attitudes.
in reply to Simon Tatham

I’ve been calling my home decor style “low-key hoarder” for a while now

I’m not sure when I tick over into full-scale hoarder

The signs are there though


Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Outside, people are out and about chilling and having fun. It's warm. I love Europe. Used to belong to me too and the idiots took it away.

Don't think I'll ever forgive that.

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in reply to a stinky ox 🐂

Anyone not Tory (or further right) will always be welcome - even if you need to queue differently. Especially oxen!

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Today is a good day to cast your stoat! #pollingday

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

My subconscious desire to push the envelope of what I could get away with laminating is the reason I donated my laminator to the ESE teacher...

Probably unrelated side note: Did you know that you can laminate Kraft singles sliced cheese without it melting if you freeze it first? 🌠

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in reply to CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch) :blobcatrainbow:

once found 5 year old Kraft singles in the fridge at work, perfectly preserved. A colleague and I declared that it would be "good apocalypse food".

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Harris is a cop. Surely Joe could have a minor fall that puts him out of action, then Kamala could order Seal Team 6 to do a "welfare check' at Mar-A-Lago or something?

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

in reply to Ghost of Hope

Just scrolling through posts and it seems this is actually a popular idea.

So following the US Supreme Court's logic... if he could assert some kind of national security reason for doing it as an official act, Biden could assassinate Trump and not be prosecuted? #uspol
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

Why POTUS45? Go for some problematic Supreme Court justices and solve the meta-problem.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

folks developing web apps should be forced to use them on scotrail free wifi for a month before being allowed to release them

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Something's just occurred to me that's quite telling. I can name favourite (or at least some) Doctor Who stories from every Doctor between 1963 and 1989. From the 2005- series I can only remember one good story off the top of my head and that's Blink.

Jon Sterling reshared this.

in reply to Octorine

@Octorine Was that the one that went along with the Empty Child, kids with gasmasks thing? I remember the imagery being scary but the resolution being magic pixie dust or somesuch?

Kerning matters!

Early modern: 1399
Early modem: 1200/75

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in reply to Alexandra Lanes

downing street: Number 10
clowning street: Number 10

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

We should have our own East Coast Liberal Elite, you know in England.

Conceptual art critics? Walton-on-the-Naze. Experimental film making hub? Filey. World Postmodernism Conference? Cleethorpes. Secret World Government? Gibraltar Point; third bird hide on the left.

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Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

Europe is full of centre right and centre left parties who, rather than oppose far right scapegoating of minorities, have adopted a position of, “those guys are right, don’t vote for them”.

To their incredible surprise, this isn’t working.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I know very very little about French/Euro politics but when I read what it is that Le Pen has said about things like Pensions, it isn't hard to understand why the French people rejected Macron who appears to be a right wing corporate stooge