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in reply to Simon Tatham

I went once to an exhibit of the Gobelins tapestries workshop. Zone women explained that they used scissors blades to get some fluff and thus blur the stitches on diagonal lines. By the XIIth century, someone had discovered antialiasing.
in reply to Simon Tatham

Vaguely remembering that old X11 displays had a similar constraint: there were 256 different colors max, dynamically mapped from a much larger set. Then, when the stuff displayed ran out of those colors, things got literally ugly...
in reply to Martin Vermeer FCD

@martinvermeer yes, I started writing X apps myself when that was still a real possibility. Indeed, the GTK version of PuTTY still has code in it to handle that case – search unix/window.c for function calls starting 'gdk_colormap_'! Surely hasn't been tested in years, though.

The standard Amiga GUI (at least in the original A500 days when I had one) just said "Here are the colours you have, use them or make your own separate Screen". X11's idea of trying to let multiple apps _share_ a limited-palette display and ask for the colours they need is much more ambitious!

Martin Vermeer FCD reshared this.

in reply to Simon Tatham

Beautiful, Simon! I’ve been similarly interested in seeing pixel type from the lens of cross-stitch, weaving and knitting patterns, and studying traditional patterns across scripts has been nothing short of revelatory (I even wrote a little something about it last year…).
in reply to Simon Tatham

There's an artist who is cross-stiching video game sprites in such old pieces, and it's wonderful ⤵…
in reply to Simon Tatham

really clever comparison, certainly that precise point that made I like this kind of art, without being able to analyse it.
in reply to Simon Tatham

I remember seeing cross stitch art in the mid eighties, and being confused at how much crossover there was between the super cool futuristic demoscene graphics of the homecomputer underground, and these ultra dorky grandma things.
in reply to Roel Nieskens

I think that this is actually tentstitch or another tapestry stitch rather than cross-stitch.

There were many adaptations of European tapestries onto canvas needlework patterns available from a firm in France in the 1990s. For those, one chose tapestry wool oneself rather than having it come in a kit.

Cross-stitch isn’t the only one that’s natively pixelated.

Even some of the rug hooking patterns that are trending again are very pixelated.

#needlework #tapestry

in reply to AlsoPaisleyCat

@AlsoPaisleyCat @pixelambacht thanks for the correction!

As you've probably already guessed, I'm not remotely an expert on tapestry or any other kind of stitching, and my interest in this kind of design is focused on its relevance to computers, so I just had to make my best guess out of types of stitch I'd heard of. 😀

in reply to Simon Tatham

maybe if you can find the pattern it's from, it will be easier to digitize. i only ever used paper patterns because i am not crafty at all and just wanted to pass my cross-stitch projects in school. i'm not certain but the brand may be Penelope…
in reply to Del C

@delcj apparently it is, thank you! I found this, with a photo of the box. Penelope Needlework, and the design is called "Dutch Interior".…

(The eBay page it links to is long gone, but at least this confirms your identification.)

in reply to Simon Tatham

The use of long (horizontal) threads for the half-tones (as opposed to dithering patterns) also has parallels with compression under RLE (run-length encoding). Not sure if computer artists ever changed their style just for a few bytes under RLE, but I wouldn't be surprised.
in reply to Simon Tatham

Oddly related:
in reply to Simon Tatham

there were companies selling these images as kits, and designers working for these companies; it would be great to investigate their choices and processes..
in reply to Simon Tatham

can't wait to see them embrace the hardware capabilities and setup a copperlist to make a beautiful raster on that blue sky ;)…

in reply to Simon Tatham

Digitisation now done! Followup thread (with considerable Amiga emulator war story):…

Last month I posted a picture of a piece of needlework art in my dad's house, and remarked on its similarity to Amiga-era pixel art:…

I said in that post that it would be cool to digitise it back to a paletted image suitable for actually loading into Deluxe Paint. I didn't get round to doing it … but someone else did! put in a *lot* of effort (more than I would have dreamed of asking for) and sent me a PNG.

I thought the only reasonable thing to do with that was to convert it back to IFF ILBM, transfer it on to an Amiga floppy image, and load it in _actual_ Deluxe Paint. Tada!

But even given a starting PNG, getting it into DPaint was a challenge. (1/8)