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I'm a disappointed with the result of the big build-up to the #Pentax17. I totally get what they've made, something for the swarm of TikTok users buying the Fujifilm X100 - trendy, pricey, but full-auto like an old Olympus half-frame.

It's not for me. If they bring out a 17M fully-manual with a 35mm equivalent lens, continuous focus ring with 'proper' distance markings, perhaps f2.8 or brighter, a film box end holder, no +/- dial, an aperture ring, let me know.


This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Marcus Jenkins

I would bet that 95% of those who've bought a #Fujifilm #X100 never switch it out of full auto mode and would be better served with a smaller camera with a simple film recipe dial, shutter release and no viewfinder. And probably a zoom lens.

It's not to say that those people are making bad photographs, but I just can't help feeling that they bought the wrong tool for the job.


in reply to Marcus Jenkins

isn’t that basically the X-A body? It definitely fits that use case.

I recently saw someone on the Fuji subreddit describe the X100 models as a perfect second camera for someone who already owns something with interchangeable lenses and such.

in reply to Ben

@sangster You're probably right there. The XA was cool. Full frame, though. I recently went on holiday with an X100 and a tiny Nikon point+shoot with zoom etc. It was a really good travel combo - and I have more cameras than I care to admit to choose from.
in reply to Ben

@Ben @Marcus Jenkins I had the original X100, and then the X100F, until an unfortunate seawater incident.

Had initially got it as a pocketable second camera to go alongside my ES stuff. Then I used the EOS stuff less and less. The DSLR was just too big.

Eventually, after the X100F died, I got an XE4 because I was mostly using the EVF on the X100 anyway, and mostly use it with maximum focus, manual aperture lenses. Absolutely loving it!

But I’m definitely not a full-auto person; I used to shoot with a view camera back in the day!

in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah @sangster Absolutely, but looking at all the sales of X100 since the TikTok craze when it started selling for more secondhand than new, I think that's the period of the 95% auto-only.

You and I are in the 5%. My X100V (that I bought just before the craze) is always in manual exposure and sometimes on manual focus. My little Nikon point and shoot or my smartphone for auto snaps.

in reply to Marcus Jenkins

@goatsarah Ah yeah -- I've only ever shot with X-T bodies and primes, and my wife uses a X100V that I borrow for street work or when I don't want to carry my X-T4 and 35mm f/1.4 (which was my first lens and remains my go-to everyday carry). I've actually only just started to learn how to use some of the automatic exposure modes in order to improve my street work, since it's a real necessity when shooting from the hip.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Marcus Jenkins

@Marcus Jenkins @Ben I guess the fact that they fit in a pocket and have superb image quality makes them work for that niche.
in reply to Marcus Jenkins

is the X100 for those moving up from iPhone, or those moving down from Xpro or XT for casual use? Can it satisfy both audiences??? 🤔
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Valdis Krebs

@Valdis Krebs @Marcus Jenkins I’ve often heard it described as the “poor man’s Leica”, which probably tells you who the intended target market is (me!)

Valdis Krebs reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah @Valdis Ha! I got mine for just over €1000, delivered, in all-black. I thought it was expensive at the time.

"Poor man's Leica"


"Rich TikTok-er's bling"

in reply to Sarah Brown

Here is my “poor man’s #Leica” … #Olympus Pen-F with a manual focus lens. The Mono/Color swich on the Pen-F allows for easier/better film sim creation than on the #X100. You can shoot up to 6 custom film sims with one click of the shutter. #Photography
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Valdis Krebs

@Valdis I don't think it's either. Both of the other photography tools have their place. If you absolutely only want to buy one camera (assuming that you want a discrete camera as opposed to a smartphone) then I would suggest that X100 may not be for you unless you are sure that street photos and similar "in the thick of it" photojournalism kind of thing is your only work.

Some of us can afford the luxury of not having to make that difficult decision.

in reply to Marcus Jenkins

It turns out what I want is a modern Olympus Pen W. With a film advance lever, a more substantial shutter release button, maybe a coin-cell powered light meter, a less-fiddly aperture & focus ring and a normal swing door back. And built like an Olympus - in black with brass bits that will get cooler with age. That, *that*, would be a cool camera - worth the €550 they're asking for the #pentax17 .

#olympuspenw #olympuspen #halfframe #photography

in reply to Marcus Jenkins

OK, so I ordered an Olympus Pen S via Ebay from Japan. I know FedEx is going to absolutely screw me on the import to EU. It will join my Olympus Trip 35 that I loaded, shot and developed LOADS of film on in the late seventies, my Rollei 35 S and my Canon P in my vintage 35mm toolbox. I need to review my negatives, mostly from 1977-1979 Peking, all Ilford B&W, all Olympus Trip 35.

#photography #lovefilm #olympuspen

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Marcus Jenkins

the exposure comp dial on the Pentax is a nice touch. I suppose you can fake it with the iso dial, but having a dedicated dial is nice.
in reply to Tristan Colgate-McFarlane

@tmcfarlane Absolutely - on an auto only you need it otherwise you have to do some fakery as you say. But on a fully manual (only) camera, there would be no need. Unless the fully manual camera has some built in light meter that you wanted to be zeroed once your exposure compensation had been selected, but, meh.