It took them 29 years.
Remember, most corp founders are in their 20s to 30s when they start. By the time you're 30 years in the faces have all changed, the original executives have retired, and unless they take extreme measures to build a corporate culture (eg. IBM, Apple under Jobs) they *will* deviate from the original course.…
Sarah Brown reshared this.
FLASH: Elon Musk reveals latest SpaceX rocket:
(Shamelessly lifted from —…)
Sarah Brown reshared this.
The scene: my bedroom, 1989. A portal appears in front of my 16 year old self. I step through.
Me: Hi there. Would you mind stopping that for a second? We need to talk. Here's a tissue for ... yeah.
Also me: Um, er, who are you exactly?
Me: I'm you from the future.
Also me: But you're ...
Me: Shush, look, we need to talk. I know you're having a really hard time in your life now. Some of the stuff you're having to go through at school is really difficult and that's what I kinda have some bad news about.
Also me: You mean...
Me: Yeah, you're gonna have to learn Portuguese. Sorry.
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@coyets But specifically this is something you chose to bring up when the issue of trans women being able to socialise and exercise is the topic.
Yes, I read the nine points DeepSeek provided as an answer, and could not fault any of them with the exception of using arbitrary biological values to divide people taking part in sport into categories, which is inclusive if the categories are well chosen. The 'Categories' section of the Wikipedia article 'Sport of athletics',… describes the main difficulties of creating categories in that sport.
This was, however, the only weakness I found in DeepSeek's reply.
Right, I'm gonna say it.
Rachel Reeves is incompetent. Her economic strategies appear to me - a layperson who pays attention - to be straight out of the 80s and thinking in progressive economics has moved a long way since then.
The problem is, Starmer has nobody better unless he puts a progressive in at the Treasury. He won't. Because he's less competent than her. He's another one who's straight out of the 80s.
Of course, they're both 80s Blue Tories, not 80s Labour.
Now, Thatcher's economics was relatively successful because of proper access to European markets and the ability to prop up its ideological nonsense with the proceeds of selling off the country's family silver. Reeves and Starmer have neither. They could have the first one back by rejoining the customs union, but they won't because they are further right than Cameron's Tories were.
Sarah Brown likes this.
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This Valentine's Day, Don't Just Say It, Show It: – Make Your Partner Fall in Love All Over Again With This Adorable Gift! Limited Time Offer: Grab Your ILY Necklace at Up to 75% Off
Turned off Apple Intelligence.
I’d hoped it would digest my email and be a useful PA type thing, but it basically just makes inaccurate summaries of notifications while using gigabytes of ram.
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What’s the easiest fediverse server to install in a docker container?
I have my Friendica server in docker and I’m used to it, but it’s three containers and there was a bit of a learning curve.
What wise is out there? I’m mostly curious.
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Sarah Brown likes this.
I need to hear from our Prime Minister, if he thinks what Elon did was a nazi salute or not?
Yes or no, no fence sitting, I need to hear what he thinks he saw because it's one of those big dividing questions about a person today that you need to know the answer to.
"Is Climate Change real or not"
"Do Trans people bother you or not"
"Are you a bigot?"
We have to know, so we can see where we go from here.
I think I know what the answer will be too...
Sarah Brown reshared this.
Am reconnecting with the trans community a bit and have discovered that the new thing GICs are doing to torment trans women, having moved on from RLE, is keeping them on starvation rations of HRT.
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@Giles Moss See, the thing is the people who don't know think that "gale" and "hurricane" are the scary words here.
They are not. "Phenomenal" is the scary word here.
Waves the size of apartment buildings.
Sarah Brown likes this.
Sarah Brown likes this.
Please don't do the misgendering of enemies jokes. We know they're vile bastards who deserve it, but there are other ways.
Misgendering and deadnaming makes me nervous no matter who it's done to. Especially if it's a trans woman. Even if it's that fucking quisling Jenner.
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I don't even like that.
Musk in a dress for example, that's not funny. It's just transphobic. It tells me that the person doing it probably thinks I look funny in a dress too.
well yeah sure. sorry my kid is being aggressively misgendered by their teacher and their therapist told us making jokes about him that took that power back was a really healthy option( specifically misnaming and gendering) to do at home
and we actually pushed back but then 2 other mental health people gave us the same advice
and it worked. first time id scene my kid smile in a while
So Apple like, had to pivot to “AI” and increase the RAM in their phones and stuff in a huge panic.
And you get a summary of your notifications which is sometimes accurate.
Whoopie do
Ian Davis reshared this.
Charlie Stross
Unknown parent • • •Kit Bashir
Unknown parent • • •@santiago were they always advertising or did they get bodged by doubleclick?
@cstross I wonder if it’s down to the difference in temperament between those who found/join a brash startup vs those who join an industry titan?
Unknown parent • • •@santiago Microsoft I feel played with it, but weren't really actually evil irl, only by playing with lawyers and corporate teams - I don't recall them actually actively killing people.
Google didn't start out as an advertising company, that's what they became.
Olivier Roux (moose)
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •Wendy M. Grossman
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •Eleanor Saitta
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •Chris Adams
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •Merc
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •What's interesting with Google is that the founders are still in control, and still somewhat involved.
Google has 3 classes of shares, A, B and C. The most common public ones (GOOG, class C) offer no voting rights, another slightly more rare class (GOOGL, class A) give 1 vote per share. The founders have ultra-rare class B shares with 10 votes per share, and still control more than 50% of the company.
So, if they cared to step in and change things they could. But, I get the impression that they're so caught up on the idea of AI that they'll do whatever is necessary to get to AGI first.
Charlie Stross
in reply to Merc • • •Niall in Raglan
Unknown parent • • •