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Reading about the book that this Vance bloke wrote, and apparently it’s all, “I was poor growing up and struggled but saw people on benefits with phones and that’s not fair”.

And his conclusion seems to be that they shouldn’t have those things if he can’t.

I had a similar childhood, but reached a very different conclusion. I don’t want anyone to struggle. If someone else has something I don’t, I don’t actually care as long as I have what I need.

He seems to feel that what he wants is not for his own needs to be met per-se, but to be ahead of others. As long as he has the biggest slice of cake, it doesn’t matter how small the cake is.

I want enough cake, and I want the rest of the cake to have enough for everyone else.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

There’s the old LBJ adage about needing someone to look down on …
in reply to Sarah Brown

same! I grew up in a declining industrial town, as the child of an unemployed single mother, growing our own food, couldn't afford a car, etc. I'm now a successful engineer and rich beyond my wildest childhood dreams (not a millionaire or anything, but still). And I want a UBI, and a free NHS with staff who get reasonable pay and work reasonable hours, and for kids to get free school meals, and nobody to be homeless or hungry. Can society afford that? Yes. Poverty costs us all.

Ok, but maybe some sort of IPx7 couch, to accommodate the dolphins?

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Sarah Brown reshared this.

[mysterious circle of robed figures]
JK Rowling: hello children
Rowling: what newssss?
Rowling: allisssson how goess the lawsssuit againssst ssstonewall?
Allison Bailey: GREAT NEWS!
Bailey: if losing were winning, then we just totally won!

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in reply to Lesbian Death Bed

Bailey: briefcase? what briefcase?
Rowling: that one you're holding right there
Bailey: OH! you mean THIS briefcase!
Rowling: yess THAT briefcasse
Rowling: the one with the ever-increasing olive oil sstain on the sside
in reply to Lesbian Death Bed

Bailey: it's nothing, it's just full of , you know, papers
Rowling: what kind of papersss?
Bailey: um legal papers
Rowling: let me ssee them
bailey: [sweating] actually by the doctrine of uhh habeus porpoise i legally can't show you, sorry, that's just the rules
in reply to Lesbian Death Bed

Rowling: did you ssspend my £1,000,000 on spaghetti again???
Bailey: actually legally i don't have to answer that question because of
Bailey: because of uhhh
Rowling: give me that damn briefcassse! [they struggle for briefcase]
in reply to Lesbian Death Bed

Rowling: i told you NOT to usse thiss £1,000,000 for sspaghetti damnit!! I told you!
Bailey: [wailing] i know! i tried!
Bailey: but then i got hungry
Rowling: why do you need £1,000,000 for sspaghetti?
Bailey: i mean, it's really GOOD spaghetti

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in reply to Lesbian Death Bed

Bailey: the guy who sold it to me told me that this spaghetti is anti-trans
Rowling: how doess it work?
Bailey: he said it's got big gametes
Rowling: i don't know ssciencce but that ssoundss legit to me
Bailey: he also sold me these magic beans
in reply to Lesbian Death Bed

L Ron Hubbard: step right up, step right up, get yourself some of honest ron's famous big gamete spaghetti
Poe: i don't even want to know what this grift is supposed to be

Sarah Brown reshared this.

in reply to Lesbian Death Bed


that's going on my sign the next time I boycott Sea World.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Here is direct link to the Hannibal Lecter vs Trump clip. You'll love this, turn on sound (Safe to play) and pls share

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Sarah Brown reshared this.

I love this so much!

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Sarah Brown reshared this.


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Sarah Brown reshared this.

Sigh. Another day on Fedi...

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in reply to Tattie y.o.n.a. :heart_transgender: reshared this.

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Sarah Brown reshared this.

Abandon ship! Billionaires first!

#elonmusk #Trump #election2024

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Sarah Brown reshared this.

Generative Propaganda Transformer #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport

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Sarah Brown reshared this.

people still carry water for this crap.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Oh wow. The last time i saw the Elite radar screen, the pope was from Poland. F#ck it, i'm old.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Research Request!

If you are 18+, residing in UK, and identify as trans, including non-binary, and other gender expansive identities, please consider participating in a group discussion about how you perceive the public discussion around trans topics, and how this impacts you. Please email Abigail, at for further info.

#Research #ResearchRequest #Trans #Transgender #Nonbinary #LGBT #LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #Queer

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Mostly just a self reminder but maybe it’ll help you too.

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Content warning: Long form - on transphobia and trans women as basilisks

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in reply to Sarah Brown

Content warning: Long form - on transphobia and trans women as basilisks

in reply to Sarah Brown

Content warning: pun spoiler

Sarah Brown reshared this.

I was talking to a dear friend of mine in her 80s when the Biden news came in. She’s a Dem but had been wavering on voting at all, disgusted by the last few months

She instantly snapped “Well don’t expect me to vote now.”

I stared at her & nearly started crying. I begged: “You HAVE to. It’s so important. If not for you, for me, for us. For my sweet kid who doesn’t know people can be hated for who they are yet.”

She went pale. “Ok ok you’re right. I will. I promise.”

Talk to people. Everyone.

This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Sarah Brown reshared this.

When Trump struck a TV-ready pose after a bullet whizzed past his ear, Mark Zuckerberg called it "one of the most badass things I’ve ever seen in my life." Imagine if Trump's billionaire masters had the emotional maturity to recognize what real badassery is: Biden sacrificing his own ego and ambition to preserve our democracy. Go Kamala.

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in reply to Steve Silberman

I totally agree. Trump did nothing - the guy just missed. How is that “badass” on Trump’s part. Now, if he had stayed and continued the rally that might have been impressive.
in reply to Dave Ryder

@DaveRyder Teddy was shot in the chest and delivered a 90 minute speech after making sure the shooter would not be harmed.

That was kinda badass. For full badassery we can step up to Purple Heart and Medal of Honor recipients.

Poops in pants got a bad haircut, which is every day for him anyways.

in reply to Steve Silberman

We may never know, but I swear the plan was for Biden to step down in 2025. Poor guy served longer than he had to.

Harris is getting a good administration, I hope she uses that to show we can get more good in the next 4 years.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

I've not kept up with the news recently...

Did someone telephone Donald Trump while he was doing the ironing?

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Welcome to fucking France, where it is fucking impossible to not be fucking downwind of a fucking lit fucking cigarette at all fucking times.
in reply to Sarah Brown

It's so bloody infuriating. What's worst are those ignorants smoking at bus/tram stations... That was banned (and people respect it) even in my otherwise super backwards Czechia. Ugh.
in reply to Lukas VF Novak

@animalculum much the same is true in Germany. Would be nice to ban the stinking fucking things

Sarah Brown reshared this.

The decisions taken by the previous Tory government and now being upheld by Wes Streeting offer a terrifying glimpse of how a minority can be almost completely disenfranchised from any say in their future.

Clinical psychologist Dr Aidan Kelly summed up how they are achieving this within healthcare.

'In this area of healthcare, like no other, the professionals with the requisite expertise are position by their critics as having been "captured by ideology" and therefore lacking credibility.'

'Meanwhile, those without the expertise are position as "independent", which critics argue makes them better able to evaluate the evidence - despite having never worked in the field and having no understanding of its complexities'

in reply to Critical Cupcake

just treat humans as humans and stop worrying about their gender identity or sexuality. ffs a lot of hetero people do some "truly weird shit", but hey ho, vive la difference!

however, why should any of that shit matter as to how you're treated by the healthcare industry?

(unless you're french... we can't be having with that kind of thing, now, can we!)

in reply to Critical Cupcake

If you tell a lie enough times it becomes the truth (to some).
Its long overdue that all politicians should be subjected to intense scrutiny not only in their sound bites but financial interests and any parties they are members to. This should by law be printed on the front of every paper at least once a month

In lieu of the whole "starter motor catching fire" incident, we have decided to end our voyage south for this year and leave the boat here in Quiberon. We Weill resume our journey south in the spring, after repairs and annual maintenance out of the water.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Sarah Brown Don’t you mean in light of? While stopping the voyage here instead of the motor having caught fire is appealing it offers certain causality related technical difficulties

Moving boat to a different berth. Starter motor got stuck on, hit overspeed, and produced quite a lot of smoke.

We are fine. The boat is fine. The starter motor is not. It will need replacing.


in reply to Sarah Brown

ah shit. At least you’re docked and safe.
in reply to Sarah Brown

This sort of thing is why boats are described as holes in the water that you throw money into.

The lady in the office at Quiberon marina was super nice. She got me to teach her a few words of Portuguese!

What we had planned for this last week: Tréguier to Bendodet, versus what we did: Tréguier to Quiberon.

I am bloody proud of us.

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in reply to Brian R. Pauw

@Brian R. Pauw 240ish nautical miles. For the part around Brest, hitting the tidal gates at the right time is utterly compulsory. We also had to leave Tréguier on an ebb tide because it's up a river.
in reply to Sarah Brown

tides around there are something to behold. Hope to be able to follow your path one day. Good luck out there!

We have arrived in Quiberon marina as the end of phase 2 of operation, "Oui Oui Baguette".

I am tired in my bones.

Didn't get murdered by orcas.

in reply to flere-imsaho

@flere-imsaho Saw loads of dolphins, doing dolphin shit, tho. Cute, they were!


The orcas attacked and disabled a boat really close to where we are two days ago. They were also seen in the western English Channel at a point where we sailed right by them.

We didn't know. I thought they were still near Lisbon.

They have NEVER been this far north this early before. I thought we had until September.

Planning tomorrow's passage. Going to stay in shallow waters as much as we can. Actually quite frightened.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Update: More dolphin sightings through the day. No orcas. We are now rafted up in the outer harbour at the island of Groix. 4 hours to our destination for this leg, Quiberon, tomorrow, then we go home.

#fediblock - edgelord troll. Receipts:

in reply to Sarah Brown

I meant the "enter a title" link.

I just tried the plaintext URL above, and it does work (he did not delete it).

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to 183231bcb

@183231bcb Oh, dunno about that. Seems like the web frontend got confused when I sent the post.

Just seen the best bit of commentary on transmisogyny I’ve seen in ages: if you want to know how a man treats cis women in private, look at how he treats trans women in public.
Unknown parent

@JustinMac84 how come transphobes always accuse trans women of being perverts in women’s locker rooms oogling cis women but they never accuse trans men of sneaking into men’s locker room to oogle cis men? If they view the genders as equal why not criticize all trans people the same way accross the board?
Unknown parent

@JustinMac84 yes exactly. Transphobes are sexist just like you said. Some prejudices are not separable from one another because they rest on the same assumptions.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Elon Musk says in a hissy fit that he’s going to move Space X from Hawthorne California to Texas because he doesn’t like a new law that doesn’t affect him. The law in question protects the identities of trans kids who come out at school but don’t want their parents to be told (because, y’know, the parents may yank them off to conversion therapy). Musk had a trans kid. The kid, now grown up, wants nothing to do with him.
in reply to Christine Burns MBE 🏳️‍⚧️📚⧖

Dear Elon; Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. We really like that door.

Friendica Support reshared this.

!Friendica Support Hi guys,

Another instance of a contact with an animated GIF causing the worker to hang. The contact is, and the update contact job has been running for 2 days.

I honestly do not see how, given the events of the last few years and especially the last week, the USA is able to see the decade out. I think it’s going to just collapse in on itself from the top.
in reply to Sarah Brown

eh, someone on a different planet with a rewlly big telescope is surely taking notes
in reply to Sarah Brown

The range of possibilities is vast. Almost anything could happen. I make no predictions.

The robot revolution will fail because it will get run over by a train.

Tesla Steers Onto Train Tracks It Apparently Mistook for a Road, Police Warn

The incident in northern California marked the latest mishap blamed on the electric vehicle company's Autopilot tech

Sarah Brown reshared this.

"Political violence is unacceptable"
they repeat as they send another shipment of bombs to drop on desperately hungry refugees with nowhere to go,
as they close the borders for asylum seekers looking for a chance to work and live in peace,
as they set snipers on students protesting for justice,
as their soldiers the world over intimidate and abuse locals with impunity,
as they conspire to depose another regime refusing to let them plunder unimpeded.

Only their violence is OK.

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Remember how the Brexit referendum was won days after a politician on the remain side was assassinated by someone supporting leave, and the whole thing was apparently just forgotten about?

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in reply to Sarah Brown

yeah that stuff only counts when it’s someone on the right who bites it
in reply to Sarah Brown

Perhaps we should make 16 June a feast day for The Venerable Jo Cox.

It’s a good question. The US Democrats have sat on their arses for 4 years, and now the world faces the consequences of their complacency and incompetence.

And UK Labour will do the same. Watch them.

@rbreich@masto.talking about Project 2025 should have started a long time ago? Now is the time to listen and take action. What the hell have Dems been doing?? They have had since 2016 to strategize around creepy Coney and crew & the felon? We wait for the world to see that debate and 3 months before the election?! This is TERRIBLE! You are asking people to stop Trump - what the hell will the folx we elected to represent us be doing? Maybe we can phone a friend? France? This is what *some folx are asking.

Just heard the Emirates Stansted to Dubai flight take off. Still boggles my mind that they have that going from Ryanair international.
in reply to Sarah Brown

yeah, I was looking at that on the board last week. Weird.
in reply to Colman Reilly

@Colman Reilly like, “aw, did someone get lost on the way to LHR? Did the lack of a second runway not tip you off? Did we want to feel big and important next to all the 737s?”

Sarah Brown reshared this.

Trump was absolutely bad for me and the people I care about, and the right-wing reaction to his defeat in 2020 was to target trans people specifically as a wedge issue with liberals.

And you know what? It kind of worked. The public expressions of love and support for us just kind of evaporated like a mirage overnight. And the people I'm supposed to rely on either don't care or are fucking up constantly.

So that's the frame with which I view this political moment.

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in reply to Nowhere Girl

Like, my political savior is supposed to be the guy who thinks this economy is great while we're barely scraping by? Who seems like he would rather lose than tell Netanyahu and Israel no? Who said he had our backs and then issued multiple statements undercutting us? Who calls these Republicans his friends? Whose response to Dobbs was feigned shock and helpless confusion? Who wants to "fund the police!" that keep killing innocent people and brutalizing protesters? That guy?
in reply to Nowhere Girl

So when people want to yell at me that Biden saved us from higher inflation rates or something, it's not relevant information. We're bleeding out here economically as it is while the top 10% and the wealthy Boomer retirees get to live it up at our expense.
in reply to Nowhere Girl

On the one hand, if it weren't Trump...

But on the other hand, Trump is exactly who Democrats like Biden want to run against because they think it will be easy and because it's easier to campaign on fear than on fixing things.

But goddamn it.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

if Biden stays in the race, I think he will lose. Not because of "bedwetters" (WTF) but because of points you made. I started thinking he'd lose in the winter because of his bad poll numbers and making people in swing states mad with his Gaza policy. It makes me really angry he's saying the polls are wrong. That is the kind of shit Trump says. If the Democrats truly want to save us from a second trump term they'd be realists instead of whatever the hell it is they're doing.
in reply to Jennifer

@Jennifer It's bizarre and infuriating that Biden can "fake news" his polls instead of responding to concerns like a normal person and that so many Democrats are fine with this. Even if you think the polls are "skewed," they're probably not THAT skewed and the message needs to be listened to.
in reply to Nowhere Girl Nowhere Girl reshared this.

i mean it's like people still don't understand that the only votes that will really be important are in the swing states, not the popular vote. Biden only won by about 40,000 votes in three swing states in 2020. Doesn't anyone else remember days of anxiety as the results were double checked? It wasn't a blowout. People in swing states also evidently want more than "Trump sucks," which of course he does, but that isn't enough anymore for some people.
in reply to Jennifer

@Jennifer THIS. I didn't think Biden was in serious danger until the swing state polls started turning against him. Just the Muslim population of Michigan can make or break his candidacy there -- and they're pissed off, with good reason.
in reply to Nowhere Girl

@Jennifer The popular vote total is a consolation prize in the same sense as a liberal dissent from the SCOTUS. It doesn't matter.
in reply to Nowhere Girl

I am completely aligned with almost everything you write. I don't see anything good for me, my family or the world at large in either of those candidates.

And as a boomer retiree, I'd like to sincerely say in the kindest way possible, go fuck yourself.

Stereotypes and mindless slurs suck. You ought to know.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

it has also gotten worse for people like me who are tomboys. People suck.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

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in reply to Ed Davies

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in reply to Sarah Brown

♪ Right now you are down and out
And feelin' really crappy
And when I see how sad you are
It sorta makes me happy
Human nature-
Nothing I can do
It's Schadenfreude
Making me feel glad that I'm not you♫

Dear entrepreneurs

Make an iPhone MagSafe multitool

I will give you money

That’s it. That’s the tweet.