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Have tech thing
Get error code on tech thing
Google for list of error codes
It's a video
Scream in ADHD
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you have managed to perfectly convey this feeling in this post. kudos.
If it helps: If the video has a transcript (next to the description) you can search that with ctrl f. But it is still a video, the least dense form of this kind of information.
Sarah Brown likes this.
i hate that....
People talking slow, and taking 5 minutes to get to the advice and then the advice is shit
Seven years
One hundred kilometres
This is why we can’t have nice things…
Portugal to Spain high speed rail moving forward
The high-speed rail link between Porto and Vigo, in Spain, will be completed in 2032, giving the North of Portugal and Galicia “a unique geostrategic position”, according to the Minister of
Concretely, what “male socialisation” is, is the continuous reinforcement to boys that being woman like or feminine in any way is bad, and will result in violence done against them.
so the folks who accuse trans women of having male socialisation, as some kind of cudgel to claim we are really men…
seem to be missing the single most obvious and directly visible fact about trans women
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Research request from researchers at Brighton and Sussex Medical School:
Participants wanted for a study which aims to further our understanding of the challenges and obstacles faced by the transgender and gender diverse community in accessing and using bridging prescriptions, with the hope to improve the experiences of individuals trying to obtain, and use, bridging prescriptions in the future.
Participants must be over 18.
If you'd like to take part email:
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Luke reshared this.
Sensitive content
Sarah Brown likes this.
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Sarah Brown likes this.
This meme annoys me a bit because the "advanced" version is still a simplistic lie that cis people tell themselves about us.
Sex and gender are, in fact, merely two aspects of the same thing and where we draw the line is entirely socially constructed.
In that way, sex does, in fact, equal gender.
Trans women are women.
Trans men are men.
Non binary people are non binary.
Stop trying to introduce extra variables which aren't needed.
I am a trans woman. I am female. That is my sex.
That's it. That's all of it.
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South Korea - no gun culture, stopped a coup
United States - "we have these guns to protect us from tyranny!" didn't stop a coup
I don't think anybody is going to take that country seriously ever again, it's a lie which has been exposed.
#USPOL #COUP #SouthKorea
pasjrwoctx👽 likes this.
Sarah Brown reshared this.
Ooooh shit…
Equality betrayed: Commission unilaterally gives up on anti-discrimination law — Joint statement - TGEU -
European Civil Society condemns the European Commission’s announcement to withdraw the proposed Directive on anti-discrimination as a betrayal of fundamental rights at a critical moment for democracy and equality in the EU.TGEU (TGEU - Transgender Europe)
Sarah Brown reshared this.
This has got me the most depressed of any recent news, not gonna lie.
If the EU itself (yes, I know this is the EC but still) starts backsliding on rights then trans folk have nowhere to run to.
Think I need a break from doomscrolling
Joe Vinegar reshared this.
If Russia openly attacked, say, Poland tomorrow and Article 5 was invoked, the US with Trump at the helm would not go to war.
Does this mean they're effectively no longer a member? I think so. I'd even go so far as to say that the threats made against Greenland and Canada make them a threat to NATO.
NATO members should start replacing US-controlled weapons as soon as possible. The Ukraine war showed the problem with having most of your equipment made by your enemy.
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Dear London
When are you going to catch up to civilisation and get E-Ticket readers?
It’s 2025 FFS
Tree Hugger 🌳 🌍 💙 🇬🇧 reshared this.
Me: Are stamps still a thing?
Zoe: They’re only valid if they had a barcode
Me: They told me in the 90s that my first class stamps would be valid forever!
Dear god, I’m turning into a boomer
Sarah Brown likes this.
Why is the Starmer government insisting on being the warm up act to Prime Minister Farage?
I don’t get it. They seem to be doing it on purpose.
Ben reshared this.
Because they're fash?
Longer answer, they think they have the left sewn up and they have no principles, so they're trying to seize far right votes.
They're not skilled politically. They only won so heavily last time because of a combo of FPTP, low turnout, and the Tories shooting themselves in the face every time they tried to speak.
Rage Against The Machine - Killing In the Name (Official HD Video)
Official HD music video for "Killing In the Name" by Rage Against the MachineListen to RATM: Watch more videos by Rage Agains...YouTube
It took them 29 years.
Remember, most corp founders are in their 20s to 30s when they start. By the time you're 30 years in the faces have all changed, the original executives have retired, and unless they take extreme measures to build a corporate culture (eg. IBM, Apple under Jobs) they *will* deviate from the original course.…
Sarah Brown reshared this.
What's interesting with Google is that the founders are still in control, and still somewhat involved.
Google has 3 classes of shares, A, B and C. The most common public ones (GOOG, class C) offer no voting rights, another slightly more rare class (GOOGL, class A) give 1 vote per share. The founders have ultra-rare class B shares with 10 votes per share, and still control more than 50% of the company.
So, if they cared to step in and change things they could. But, I get the impression that they're so caught up on the idea of AI that they'll do whatever is necessary to get to AGI first.
FLASH: Elon Musk reveals latest SpaceX rocket:
(Shamelessly lifted from —…)
Sarah Brown reshared this.
The scene: my bedroom, 1989. A portal appears in front of my 16 year old self. I step through.
Me: Hi there. Would you mind stopping that for a second? We need to talk. Here's a tissue for ... yeah.
Also me: Um, er, who are you exactly?
Me: I'm you from the future.
Also me: But you're ...
Me: Shush, look, we need to talk. I know you're having a really hard time in your life now. Some of the stuff you're having to go through at school is really difficult and that's what I kinda have some bad news about.
Also me: You mean...
Me: Yeah, you're gonna have to learn Portuguese. Sorry.
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@SaraMG @Zoë O'Connell Noooooo. It’s a NICE torture basement.
It did, however, encourage me to get my hormone levels checked.
I have been menopausal probably for years.
@coyets But specifically this is something you chose to bring up when the issue of trans women being able to socialise and exercise is the topic.
Yes, I read the nine points DeepSeek provided as an answer, and could not fault any of them with the exception of using arbitrary biological values to divide people taking part in sport into categories, which is inclusive if the categories are well chosen. The 'Categories' section of the Wikipedia article 'Sport of athletics',… describes the main difficulties of creating categories in that sport.
This was, however, the only weakness I found in DeepSeek's reply.
Turned off Apple Intelligence.
I’d hoped it would digest my email and be a useful PA type thing, but it basically just makes inaccurate summaries of notifications while using gigabytes of ram.
Heather 👻
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •