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If you have a uterus and you live in the UK, it's time to update your threat model to include police testing you for the presence of abortion meds and requesting data from period-tracking apps:…
in reply to evacide

I mean no disrespect when I say that I clicked through doubting that your summary could be fully accurate. This is appalling.
in reply to evacide

What the - and I ask this MOST strongly - Actual. Fuck? I now have The Rage.
in reply to evacide

Wait, what the fuck, why would they do that in the UK. Abortion after the legal limit there ?
in reply to evacide

Someone really needs to make the UK government understand that 1984 was a cautionary tale, not aspirational.
in reply to evacide

I guess I wasn't aware of this it was happening in the United Kingdom as well as America. The entire world has gone authoritarian
in reply to evacide

Weird how the police keep saying they’re so busy and understaffed that they’re not going to attend mental health crisis calls any more, yet they have time for stuff like this.
in reply to evacide

all suspected male rapists should have their internet history searched and their bed sheets swabbed for signs of masturbation - it’s only fair…
in reply to evacide

it’s time for patriarchal intrusion and control over women’s lives to get booted to the curb. #EnoughIsEnough Matriarchal power must be restored. We are not the property of anyone.
Unknown parent

@CStamp @Sim0n I suspect that Simon has never had to keep track of his period.
Unknown parent

@Sim0n The moon? Can't think when that ever would've been helpful.
Unknown parent

Simon :verified:
@CStamp or use the moon like your ancestors
in reply to evacide

@CStamp that’s a fair assumption but it does segue nicely into a little story about the oldest calendar found by archaeologists which is basically 28 notches in a bit of wood. Historians (mostly men) assumed it was associated with some sort of moon worship however there is another reason why some primitive humans may have wanted to track a 28 day cycle
in reply to evacide

"Last month, the fifth woman this year appeared in an English court charged under Section 58, compared with only three previous prosecutions in the past 160 years."

What?! The world is getting more sinister by the day.

in reply to evacide

That's a search. In the US there is supposed to be evidence of a crime presented to a judge in order to request a search. Let's hope we can hold on to that.
in reply to evacide

can see why other more important crimes are running rampant when police are investigating women who miscarriage...

What a fucking waste of police resources.
We have burglaries, theft, assault and hate crimes at a high but police claiming their hands are tied with a lack of funding yet here we are.


in reply to evacide

am wait until actually get period
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to evacide

they're fascists. Imported from the shitty US Repugnants. Vote the Tories out.
in reply to evacide

what a load of crap. For starters there isn’t such thing a British Police Force. There isn’t a single legal jurisdiction either. Who writes this crap?
in reply to evacide

The Handmaid's Tale was apparently an instruction manual.
in reply to evacide

Well this is shocking. When will the law start protecting pregnant people? Also, period tracking apps - get in the bin.
in reply to evacide

Oh helpless me! I don't know, how to be a woman. If only I would have a man to tell me to just "use the moon" there would be no patriarchy, no sexism anymore.
in reply to evacide

Ruled by the fringe part of the Tory Party for 13 years which is more and more a full-blown fascist state.
in reply to evacide

This is so creepy, the war on women ramps up a notch
in reply to evacide

seeing what has happened with this in the US I would much rather leave that in the US
in reply to evacide

The Prime Minister of Canada recently stated that no American women seeking an abortion would be turned away.
in reply to evacide

This is rather sloppy reporting, as this article is only about England and Wales, (not Scotland, ergo, not the "UK"). Additionally, there is no "British police" - policing is devolved. I have not heard anything about Police Scotland doing this.
in reply to evacide

This intrusive test has been done since about 2018 when an illegal abortion is suspected.
That is after 24 weeks (with some limited exceptions). See NHS site if you need more
Fortunately, we don't have the same situation as in some USA states.…
in reply to evacide

that’s the thing about pernicious laws, they’re used when someone feels like using it. 5 now, but could be a rotating 20% testing across the population and that would be scary.