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Apropos of a conversation elsewhere, if you want to save the world, get catering contracts at as many national parliaments as you can and lace everything with ginger, or better still, scopolamine.

I am deadly serious. This will probably actually work.

in reply to Sarah Brown

i am very interested in your reasoning here, having missed the conversation elsewhere
in reply to whetstone

@whetstone A lot of bigotry is the result of feelings of physical disgust and nausea at the thought of the targets of the bigotry. Homophones feel sick at the thought of gay sex. Transphobes feel sick at the thought of trans bodies. And so on.

Take away the nausea and you reduce the visceral reinforcement of the prejudice. Anti emetics will help that.

in reply to Sarah Brown

This is a fascinating idea. I can see it, similar to how the use of non-prescription painkillers can impact emotional pain.