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Oh, this is funky! Reading a book with the multi focal contact lenses in. If I close one eye, the page has blurred and sharp bits in a chessboard type pattern. If I open both, the whole thing is sharp.

Clever brain.

Sylvester Tremmel reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

oh! I kind of assumed you had to look out of the side to see close up or something. You are just saying it’s all magic??
in reply to Rachel Lawson

@Rachel Lawson Yeah. It’s different to glasses where you can look around to change which bit you get. With contacts, they move with your eye, so, looking around makes no difference. You get distance vision in some bits and close vision in others. After a while, the brain sorts this out.

I’m still getting used to it.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Oh I see, so the lens varies in a pattern over its surface and just relies on binocular vision and your brain to sort it all out? That’s absurdly clever (and suggests these contacts wouldn’t work for me). I think when I first saw you describe this I assumed the chessboard was an artefact of your brain rather than of the lens. (Like the weird kaleidoscope patterns you get when you rub your eyes too hard.)