What am I good at that people might pay me money for?
It's two years since I handed in my notice at Maths. Which means it's a year and nine months since I worked. That's longer than I expected, to be honest. I remember earnest conversations with various people about how to figure out my next steps and do something new and exciting, maybe be a consultant or a swoopy-in-troubleshooter. But I never had the energy, and for a while at least I let it all slip to one side.
It isn't as if I've been doing nothing for the past couple of years. I've had and recovered from surgery, done a third of a law degree, learned the theoretical bits of how to sail, learned Portuguese... But at some point I need to earn some money again. And at times at least my brain feels like it's able to do things without getting stuck or melting down. Mayyyybe I can try applying for jobs or short term gigs.
So I'm wondering. What am I good at? If you've ever worked with me, either professionally or on some volunteer project, what were the things that particularly stood out? I'm not just looking for ego stroking (much though that will be nice) but if you can remember particular things I did well, or particular ways in which I was especially useful, that might help shape my thinking.
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Alexandra Lanes
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