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Never forget the fascist exception. The simple truth is that fascism is not politics, or even a fully-fleshed out ideology. It's more or less a statement of murderous/violent intent. So yeah solidarity, and compassion, and cooperation, and mutual aid, and power to the people, and be kind to each other, and everyone should get a say, and love thy fellow man - except fascists. Because fascists are ink in the milk and will eventually destroy everything and everyone you love. Not complex.

in reply to AnarchoNinaWrites

Like every time I tell leaders we elected for the purpose of stopping the nazis that they're not using the powers at their disposal to do so, some smarmy both sides "centrist" will pop up in my mentions to say "sounds like dictator shit to me" as if I'm not for dismantling the police state. Newsflash? That option is not on the table yet, and since it isn't, I'm pretty much fine with using it to neutralize nazis. Not that this will happen, but the govt would do this to YOU for being a pinko.
in reply to AnarchoNinaWrites

Again, if nazis don't like it, there's an easy solution to this problem - they could stop being nazis. Can their victims say the same thing? Can they stop being Black, or gay, or a woman who doesn't want to be a baby factory? So no, it's not actually the same thing.

Sarah Brown reshared this.

in reply to AnarchoNinaWrites

Dealing with fascists is messy, it's difficult, it sometimes requires you to take actions you'd never even consider if not for the presence of fascists. This would be WHY folks like me were screaming "we need to stamp this shit out BEFORE it becomes widespread, normalized, and politically empowered."

You missed that off ramp; that means there are some HARD choices coming for us all. Do not let yourself be trolled into refusing to make those choices via some both sides nonsense. Nazis gotta go

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to AnarchoNinaWrites

@AnarchoNinaWrites This is what saddens me so much. Last time we ended up having to drop so many bombs that the rubble bounced.

And before we executed them, or put them in prison forever, or got them to help build moon rockets, they were REALLY CLEAR that the only thing that would have stopped them was being stamped on hard the moment they appeared.

And yet ... here we are. Feels like the instructions were not complicated, but still ignored.

in reply to AnarchoNinaWrites

Exactly, there are numerous pretty anodyne COIN plays (observation and surveillance, propaganda, making messes and walking away from them job done) almost exclusive run on antifascists and Leftists that are given full throated adulation by those smarmy pricks, but straight up Dictatorship if it is anyone but Leftists.

And that's why Liberals are inherent fascists waiting to bloom.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@YakyuNightOwl @goatsarah As a Spanish, I can offer these two images:

AnarchoNinaWrites reshared this.

in reply to Seiðr

@Seiðr @Yakyu Night Owl @AnarchoNinaWrites True, although it does remind me of one of the funniest skits I remember from the 80s...

"Monday: Woke up, looked out of the window, went for a walk in the garden."

"Tuesday: Woke up, looked out of the window, went for a walk in the garden."

"Wednesday: Woke up, looked out of the window, went for a walk in the garden."

"Thursday: Woke up, looked out of the window, went for a walk in the garden."

"Friday: Woke up, looked out of the window, went for a walk in the garden."


Benaresh reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

@goatsarah @YakyuNightOwl Yes, but then you read about the Trial of the Generals, or the Trial of the Doctors or so, so many SS guards in the camps who didn't get to be prosecuted until the 60's, and it's all so fucking frustrating.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown
@Anarchic Teapot @Seiðr @Yakyu Night Owl @AnarchoNinaWrites It's via an app now though. They don't do the bits of green paper any more (had rot accidentally go via the US last year when my flight got rebooked. Normally I avoid the place)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@YakyuNightOwl @goatsarah I was going to make a search for "Ukrainian resisters" to Stalinism in the 1940's who got later to the US of A and Canada, but, I mean, we wouldn't ever end with all of the weasels who got away through the ratlines. Just two especially bleeding examples: Otto Skorzeny, your real, genuine, "pata negra" SS Sturmbahnführer, lived in Spain happily after the war until his death, and was a respected member of the Madrid Country Club.
in reply to Seiðr

@YakyuNightOwl @goatsarah Another one: Léon Degrelle, Walloon collaborationist reclaimed by Belgium, died in Spain, which refused to extradite him, and ran a succesful company that was involved in building the USAmerican bases in Spain:…
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@YakyuNightOwl @goatsarah Worst thing is I wasn't even surprised: for all of the bad things the guys of 'the eXile' have on their accounts, they kept a good register of how NATO countries had a plethora of organisations of WWII ex-combatants from Ukraine and other former Soviet Republics (cue the goose meme: "Ex-combatants from what side? What side, motherfucker!?")
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@YakyuNightOwl @Illuminatus @goatsarah That was my Gramps (pic in profile). It caused generational trauma, to say the least.
in reply to DEDGirl

@YakyuNightOwl @Illuminatus @goatsarah and was really a way for them to attack progressives & force propaganda in film. 🤷‍♀️
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@MattMerk @YakyuNightOwl @DEDGirl @goatsarah For a very, very small value of "crypto" (just as in cryptocurrencies these days).
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@YakyuNightOwl @MattMerk @DEDGirl @Illuminatus @goatsarah My gramps just wanted to work. My gran’ma was young actress, with a baby, & freaking out. He named names to get released. Then he was a Commie bastard on the right, & a rat on the left, but he was able to work & made some of his best films after that, though hated by pretty much everyone.
in reply to AnarchoNinaWrites

Well a Fashie is someone who NOPED! out of the Social Contract to Humanity TM...

As such humanity and the treatment you list here is not applied.

They said no. They choose. I don't see why this is so hard???