Should you see one of those “schoolchild identifies as cat” stories, note that at least one UK journalist has been spotted on social media offering money for stories from parents whose children “identify as cats”.
Which is, of course, going to result in totally accurate stories.
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PJ Coffey
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •*sigh* The transphobia spreads and the Right never has new ideas.
The "schoolchild identifies as a cat" probably won't catch on here because in the US it was confabulated because of the prescence of buckets of "kitty litter" in the classrooms.
They were there, of course, because of mass-shootings. Can't let kids go to the toilets when armed gunmen are roaming the halls.
Meow.tar.gz :verified:
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Sarah Brown
in reply to Meow.tar.gz :verified: • •Sarah Brown
Unknown parent • •@Christopher Mackay 🇨🇦 @CrazyMyra Like Tony Blair’s “hello nurses”; he made a target that everyone going to accident and emergency departments had to speak to a nurse with X minutes.
So hospitals just hired a nurse to stand at the door and greet people.
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •Some children are even identifying as giant insects…
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Flaming June
in reply to Sarah Brown • • •