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My hearing has been getting worse over recent years and my partner has been nagging me for ages about why I'm not getting it sorted out. Little do they know I'm actively encouraging it so I don't have to listen to all the bollocks they talk.
in reply to Fesshole 🧻

I've got hearing aids that are controlled by bluetooth from my phone. My wife caught me turning them off while we were having a disagreement. Boy was I in for it.
in reply to Fesshole 🧻

sacrificing your quality of life in order to ignore someone is definitely a choice one could make.
in reply to Fesshole 🧻

you do realise you lose.your hearing for everything? Just murder them or I dunno sort it out like a human.
in reply to Fesshole 🧻

How long have you hated your partner, who obviously cares enough for you to encourage you to enhance your quality of life?
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)