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In which I ask an LLM to do some deductive reasoning:

> Three logicians walk into a bar. The barman asks, "do you all want a beer?" The first one stays silent, the second one stays silent, the third one says, "yes". Why?

The three logicians are playing with words and language in their own way; they have decided to interpret 'beer' as meaning any drink that is not water. So when asked if each of them wanted a beverage (which could include anything other than plain tapwater), the first two said "no" because it was understood by all parties involved, including themselves and the barman/bartender, that they were referring to something else entirely; while the third one answered with an affirmative response.

in reply to Sarah Brown

That’s ridiculous. While it took me five seconds to say why the third logician could answer “Yes,” I can’t call upon exact recollection of billions of source articles in deducing my answer.
in reply to Walker

@Walker These things are not capable of reasoning. They just join fragments of sentences together in gramatical ways. That’s all they do. They can’t make logical deductions.