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After this week, it can no longer be denied that Elon Musk is a terrible person.

His daughter hit back at his insults and Grimes’ mother begged on Twitter to let her three children see their dying great-grandmother. How does this not discredit him?…

#tech #elonmusk #parenting #trans

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Paris Marx

i saw his horrible ass got a brief mention during coverage of the Olympic opening ceremonies (bc he was there briefly, the way the super rich can just kinda show up at an event) and it reminded me that there's a fame equivalent of Too Big To Fail, where uncritical press still feel compelled to mention that you were someplace or said something about an issue, no matter how visibly terrible a human you are. and obviously this status can be bought, if you're a top ~10 richest human.
in reply to JP

trump has it too obviously, everything he does is considered newsworthy and is automatically reported on, and there's little attempt by most press voices to put some hateful comment or behavior in a larger context, treating the rich famous powerful person as a kind of force of nature, immutable. when really, that status is entirely socially constructed and can and should be torn down or revoked outright for individuals for musk.
in reply to JP

to which i would say, just think about how much it would piss off this completely evil human being if he showed up somewhere, throwing his wealth around, and everyone collectively decided to shun him and not treat his presence as worthy of comment. ie doing the opposite of enabling his obvious extreme narcissism.
in reply to JP

@jplebreton he had a brief experience of this in 2022…