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in reply to Sarah Brown

dude didn’t mark the content as sensitive, or be clear that it wasn’t dodge. He shows no awareness that the server has rules.

I like that the mod of my instance is transparent about why they block instances so I know they also apply that thinking to users.
in reply to MagsLHalliday

Honestly, I think this is where smaller instances shine: the moderation has a personal touch, and if you’ve been there a while you’re probably on familiar terms.

Martin Vermeer FCD reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

I’m on that instance and follow that mod. They mostly posts about cats, and their dislike of fascists.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@magslhalliday My instance has 5k users and still it feels like small and personal.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Hmm, false positives are not good. The good news though is that this moderator was driven by concern - misjudged, arguably - for users, not advertisers.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Mabande it’s interesting; I hear many people say they’ve been hounded by moderation etc but I’ve used every major social media platform, some of them extensively, and never experienced it myself. Maybe they don’t speak Swedish?
in reply to Amanda

Before I left twitter, I learned that the way to tell people to "get in the fucking sea" safely was to do it in Portuguese.