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People in the local Facebook group are VERY ANGRY that the tide goes out.

Apparently it is shameful, and the council should do something.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Brits? Because if they're, say, Italians I can see why they might be a little bit confused, but Brits have zero excuse
in reply to Sarah Brown

That's just weird

If you live by the sea you learn about tides, that's normal. Ah well

Helped marshall a sailing competition in Paignton once, had to go rescue some Italian boats because they didn't believe the tide could get as high as it did and hadn't dragged them far enough

in reply to David Matthewman

@djm4 Oh absolutely, we understood why they were confused it's just

We tried and tried and tried to explain to them, even showed the high tide mark, but they couldn't get their heads around it as being actually true

Black Sea must be even weirder than med tide wise

in reply to Matþew Bowles

@Matþew Bowles 7 metres in Brighton. To be fair, that catches a lot of tidal sailors from elsewhere out. They really are not used to the height of UK tides.