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#Friendica server now migrated from a 2 gig RPi 4 to an 8 gig early 2015 retina MacBook Pro running Ubuntu.

The MBP was headed to the skip, but it turns out it makes a pretty kick-arse #ActivityPub server.

Reuse is better than recycle.

Here it is, in my server cupboard! If you're reading this post, that dilapidated Mac in the corner served it!

Unknown parent

Sarah Brown

500 gig USB 3 SSD. The bottleneck was RAM. The Pi, at only 2 gigabytes, would occasionally run out and start swapping, making it thrash.

The Mac also has much faster IO and it’s noticeable.

It’d probably run fine on a 4 gig pi.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Is the wire propping open the Mac's lid stopping it sleeping?
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

No. The wire is underneath the Mac. That's a trick of the perspective. The Mac is configured not to sleep. The lid is not closed because I think the hinge is slightly warped.