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Something's just occurred to me that's quite telling. I can name favourite (or at least some) Doctor Who stories from every Doctor between 1963 and 1989. From the 2005- series I can only remember one good story off the top of my head and that's Blink.

Jon Sterling reshared this.

in reply to Alexandra Lanes

Wonder if that's a reflection on the length of story as much as anything? 4 x 30min episodes is a lot more to settle into your memory than 2(max) x 45min
in reply to Sion [main]

@Sion [main] Possibly, yes, and even if a story is rubbish having to tell it over that period means you're more likely to see its redeeming features or appreciate what the author was _trying_ to do.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I thought The Doctor Dances was pretty good.

On the other hand, I liked the ELO episode, so my opinion is probably invalid.

in reply to Octorine

@Octorine Was that the one that went along with the Empty Child, kids with gasmasks thing? I remember the imagery being scary but the resolution being magic pixie dust or somesuch?