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I like words that end in -id. Placid. Flaccid. Limpid. Insipid. Intrepid. Turgid. Putrid.

Seems weird that they sound negative even when they're positive.

in reply to WOMUMP

@WOMUMP I think adjectives, but plasmid has some of the same nature somehow
in reply to Adam

@Adam @WOMUMP Hadn’t thought of those. Possibly they’re common enough that they escape the ickiness field of -id adjectives?
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

@womump It has that "squamous and rugose" feeling about it. But it's GLOOPIER
in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas @womump I think it's specifically icy rather than cold. Hence a neat adjunct to solid and liquid.


in reply to Sion [main]

@sparrowsion @womump Humid I think is negatively-valent. It definitely implies damp and sticky.
in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas @womump True. Also torpid, which is a state I associate with it being too humid.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I learned the word "algid" from German goths:…
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

lucid and, dare i say it, pellucid

livid, morbid, rigid

This entry was edited (6 days ago)