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Ok, mealybugs. I didn’t want to resort to “a fuckton of pesticide”, but you have left me with no choice. You brought this on yourselves.


in reply to Sarah Brown

Either way it ends with their localised extinction. It's just that this way, I might have some plants left.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown
@Jack It reduces their numbers. 2 weeks later the infestation is back. The problem is, you either get total eradication, or they just come back.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Sarah Brown
@Jack Everything. Also dust with diatomaceous earth. There are simply too many hiding places.
in reply to Sarah Brown

starsan* as a regular treatment kills green n blackfly deader than a 70's DJ's career

But you do need to repeat regular like

*Brewery sanitiser. Terrifying stuff

This entry was edited (1 year ago)