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in reply to Ruby Sinreich

in reply to MyView

@MyView I've been antizionist for about 20 years (since I worked for an organization that sent interfaith trips there) but have a lot more clarity, and therefore rage, since reading Underground to Palestine. I think the last 6 months have finally removed the veil for most people who were trying not to know.
in reply to Ruby Sinreich

@Ruby Sinreich @MyView Outside Israel, perhaps? I get the impression (from what other journalists report, so...) that Israeli TV isn't really showing very much of the devastation in Gaza.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

That's common among media that supports and encourages their government's bad policies and very bad behaviour ...

We've had the same thing over the past quarter century from a media reduced to three owners ... one being Murdoch and the other two being well known CONservative recipients of Mate$ Rate$ ...

No such thing as a Free Press in many countries now.
