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Just getting started on the OU Contract Law module. It's talked about some software terms and conditions being contractual. I wonder how EULAs work as contracts for software you bought in a box from a shop. How is there consideration? Is it "reused" from the purchase contract with the retailer somehow?
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

As I understand it's a contractual licence, or at least the people selling you would like you to think that, but it's questionable whether that's truly the case for software you buy for a one off fee. The license terms are probably best understood as consideration for the provision of the service of providing access to the software, or alternatively an implied term of the purchase contract that it is sold subject to your agreement to the licence and can be returned if not agreed.
in reply to Sesquipedality

none of this fits very well into the standard framework of offer and acceptance though, but it's not my field. Mostly, like much in the world of contracts it's about creating expectations as to rights as opposed to accurately defining them and may contain a whole load of rubbish that is in practice unenforceable, due to the UTCCRs (or maybe they are part of the CRA now - I learnt all this before the law changed, and it's not really my field).