(We’re clearing out at least 30 years’ worth of accumulated cabling under a datacentre raised floor. Lots of voice copper, co-ax (voice and Ethernet), serial cables and even some AppleTalk!)
@ajlanes @neil very strange! I should really refer to the cables as LocalTalk, as AppleTalk was the protocol (and can operate over Ethernet and token ring, too)
wait until you find a "router" under there that no one knows about until you turn it off and the trading floor just stops... bonus points if once turned off it wont power back on as the disk in it has now spun down and the head is now parked on the dried out, but sticky pad it parks on. You call the people who make the computer and they send someone (me) who proceeds to drop the system from about 6 inches so the head will unstick the system boot and you can work out how to replace it.
Alexandra Lanes
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