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Is it silly to feel a bit nervous around people on the train wearing Harry Potter gowns (not just ordinary academic gowns, but obviously embroidered with Griffindor etc.)? It feels silly, and yet…
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I dunno. I get twitchy when I wind up using the chemist in town that sells HP merch, rather than my regular.

(Why a town this size has two chemists, I don't know, but it means I can go to the one I don't like for OTC meds which are contra-indicated by my prescription meds. Because the thing about a town this size is that your pharmacist knows who you are, if you're a regular)

in reply to Sion [main]

@sparrowsion Ha, I've found mine in the village is hard to buy cough medicine in - because they didn't have the sugar free pholcodine in stock and knew I was diabetic!
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I've not got the impression that the people being poisoned by JKR's transphobia are actual Harry Potter fans, primarily. It's not people with HP avatars who tweet out the bigotry, it's single-issue shouty types, different demographic. So many HP fans are sound people, they support Daniel Radcliffe in his vocal support for trans rights, even the ones who keep wearing the shirts etc. This is what I choose to believe, anyway.
in reply to xanna

@xanna Yeah. Most of them are almost certainly ok but it doesn’t stop it being entirely rational to be wary.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

I don't think so, no. I mean, it could be they're unware of the views of the author... but at the same time...