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UK Pol

The Tories are going to lose the next UK general election.

And this is going to be their response: openly embracing the most disgusting, base hatred that humans are capable of. They will appeal to the worst instincts humans can possess, to explain who to blame for their lives, in the country their own hard right Brexit project destroyed, being crappy.

And enough people will lap it up that it is a viable electoral force.

They will be out of power for a generation, but with opposition parties that have largely abandoned any pretence that social democracy can ever be a force in UK politics again, their “National Conservatism” (that sounds terrifyingly familiar) will be a respectable political force.

And so, in 10, or 15 years time, when the Tories regain power, it will be with the politics of brutal repression of anyone whose face doesn’t fit.

The Tory Britain of the 2030s is going to be a very, very, very scary place.

in reply to Sarah Brown

UK Pol
*shudders* so this next generation is merely a brief reprieve with light blue policies. Joy
in reply to Nikkileah

UK Pol

@Nikkileah What comes next is a pause, nothing more. None of them has the balls to turn round and try rebuilding a society along lines similar to the postwar consensus, because they can’t stomach the upheaval that would require.

So bland grey men in grey suits will give bland platitudes until the public decides it’s “time for the Tories to have another chance”.

And then you will see what these “Nat C’s” will do when they have nothing to restrain them.

When that comes to pass, run.