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US Pol, police, racism, murder
Even before clicking through to this, it was obvious to me what the victim’s skin colour is. American police murder a man for … crossing the road while black.
in reply to Sarah Brown

US Pol, police, racism, murder
If the US were reported on like a lot of countries are, their police would be referred to as “state sponsored death squads”.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

US Pol, police, racism, murder
right?? So much power- the ability to use state sanction lethal violence but with no accountability, transparency, reporting, or standards is just so mind blowing and appalling.
in reply to Sarah Brown

US Pol, police, racism, murder
I saw a tiktok from someone that kept getting kicked out of police academy for asking too many questions and having the sense that the training went against "the ethics of policing" (which, uh... that's a whole thing they need to unpack). They said they were told to should things like "drop the weapon" and "stop resisting" after firing their gun because people's memory will rearrange the events to make them make sense. It's so horribly fucked.