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When you have a moment of clarity and realise that "Rockstar Programmer" means "This is someone with ADHD who we haven't burned out yet".
in reply to Sarah Brown

This is also one of the main the reasons for the age discrimination in our industry.
in reply to Alda Vigdís

@Alda Vigdís Yeah. "Oh, we broke this one. Whatever. Fire it and maybe it can find its own way to an adult ADHD diagnosis"

reshared this

in reply to Sarah Brown

Infinite growth also means that if you don't make it into product or project management by the age of 35, let alone stay with the same stack as you were working with 10 years ago, then there must be something wrong.
in reply to Alda Vigdís

Why does all the personal funding require current enrollment in school? Why are all the internships only for students? Why do those certain jobs only hire recent graduates?

Age discrimination for exploitative employment of children under thirty

This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

well pluck me like a chicken and hand me to Diogenes, I did not expect to be called out like this first thing on a Monday morning! 😅
in reply to Sarah Brown

And of course the organisation ensures that "Rockstars" have (temporary) elevated status separating them from the crowd...

A long time ago, when there were more empowered workforces, excessive output was often prevented by maintaining norms that were agreed informally within groups.

(Case below of US factory workers in the1930s controlling each other's output through peer pressure)
Excerpt form a textbook recounting the Hawthorne studies

@Sarah Brown

in reply to Andy H3

in reply to lj·rk

@andy Next to the snippet we have a "Figure 3.5: Informal group norms at the bank wiring room restricting output", showing four "levels" of output amount:

1. Output: Min. 7200 - Official Bonus Policy
2. Output: Above 6600 - Group Informal Pressure, with an arrow downwards suggesting that people are kept within or below this level
3. Output: 6000-6600 - Acceptable group level
4. Output: Below 6000 - Supervisor Informal Pressure, with an arrow upwards


in reply to Sarah Brown

oof, this one hit too close to home. (Got my DX at age 35…)
in reply to Sarah Brown

best of luck! Having a framework to use to think about the way my brain works has been incredibly helpful for me.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I use Adderall–and it's definitely helpful for a lot of things–but it's not a silver bullet.
in reply to Sarah Brown

@Viss also usually with a side of “pouring oneself into work in order to distract from something more painful.”
in reply to Sarah Brown

And of course you have to learn for anything to count 😛
in reply to Sarah Brown

A less charitable definition is "a dev on a team with Big Ideas, that does not want to reach an agreement with their co-workers, but instead asserts their will unilaterally".
in reply to Sarah Brown

This should be a LinkedIn post.

(You know you want to. You can, you know. Just open up that site and post. It'll only take a minute. Then you'll have done it.)