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Oof. “We find it hard to see why the defendant's legal liability should turn on the court's impression of whether or not the facts of the case fit the dramatic pattern of a Greek tragedy.” I do love a good judicial putdown. (From Paul & Anor v Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust [2024] UKSC 1… )
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

Except, in the salient aspect, that the events described *don't* really follow at least the strictest, Aristotelian criteria for Greek tragedy, where the tragedy takes place in a single place on a single day.

The original Cocklecarrot mentioned "Sophoclean" (great word). Now, dragged up in a Secondary Modern, I'm not an expert on such things, but Oedipus Rex and Antigone follow the unities, iirr?

So it was a weirdly specific (-ly wrong) analogy to use to extend a single event to 36 hours and the length of the M1.

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