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in reply to Sarah Brown

This is really weird, strange, & seems to this only very very occasional redditor to be EXTREMELY sudden. Has this been looming, or is there something in the water lately?
in reply to FeralRobots

@FeralRobots @theory Honestly don’t know. It feels like it’s done out of left field to me too, and I use Reddit quite a bit.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I find the idea fascinating that there might be some kind of watershed caused by Twitter's decomposition. Like, people are suddently skeptical of social media hype, & that translates into being skeptical about things they maybe shouldn't be that skeptical about. Like how a lot of solid companies cratered in the dot-bomb because the market lost faith in fundamentals. HP e.g. had a rock solid record of improving numbers for decades, but suddenly that wasn't good enough.