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I know I have several TERFs hate-reading me, because I live rent free in their heads. Hi guys! Just want to let you know, in case you've forgotten, that you are terrible human beings and you should be utterly ashamed of yourselves.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

I should also note that TERFs are so utterly fucking pigshit thick that a bunch of them were in a shopping centre the other week, and got stuck for hours on an escalator because the power failed.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

The year is 2030. Prime Minister Starmer continues the policy of TERF appeasement because he can’t be arsed not to. TERFs have created five million fake email addresses in order to boost a petition to sex-segregate the sewage flowing onto UK beaches so that they can swim in adult human female shit, an important “sex based right”, they say. This friendica node continues to exist but consists entirely of me reviewing Portuguese wines while drunk, in Portuguese. TERFs still send fifty complaints a day to Lib Dem HQ about it.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

asking the question on everyone's lips: do you review port, and do you have any recommendations?
in reply to Sarah Brown

oh you may be laughing now but you won’t be when they file a defamation suit for posting identifiable slander like this
in reply to Sarah Brown

lookit you, living your best life rather than sat in a bedsit in your ratty kecks posting for the 357th time today about XXGoodyTwoShoes...