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Wow it transports 20 people. ooooh I have an idea, what if we connected a bunch of these together... in a long chain and put them on tracks to make them more energy efficient (and to meet power needs) then ran them along the most popular transportation corridors in major cities! They could even go in tunnels in places like NYC to reduce traffic!

Golly Elon is on to something this time!

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

He's building something expensive and flashy to suck up lots of money that would otherwise go to actually effective, real-world public transit. It's infuriating.
in reply to smellsofbikes

I really hope fewer people are falling for his BS this time around. We already have self driving taxis in prototype that are more practical. (and yet still not practical. )

And ... public transit is awesome and could benefit from modernization and love. Fix the elevators and the NYC subway would be space age.


This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to John Timaeus


If they do induction charging there will need to be a thing that lowers the coils onto the charging pad to get it close enough to not waste tons and tons of power.

And if you are going to do all that why not just plug the damn thing in and have almost no loss?

in reply to myrmepropagandist


I’m curious what kind of strength magnetic field would be generated for charging at that scale too. Would that be unsafe for people with ferrous implants or devices?

Maybe it’s fine, I genuinely don’t know.

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mastodon - Link to source

@CliftonR @amsomniac

He's making the damn 7 train seem like space age tech.

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mastodon - Link to source
Clifton Royston
I think his real mission is to make trains look awesome by comparison with cars and driving.
in reply to myrmepropagandist

@CliftonR @amsomniac

Ladies and gentlemen, here's the automated self-driving electric pod system of the future! 🤯

These electric hyperpods arrive every 4 minutes on weekdays and every 10 minutes on weekends.

After passing through the futuristic platform screen doors, it whisks you to your destination through a tunnel at speeds of over 100km/h, including under Sydney Harbour.

I call it... The Sydney Metro!

Tod Kurt (todbot) reshared this.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

Trains are the crabs of transportation "innovation."

@Barnesm31 @JessTheUnstill @paulc

in reply to myrmepropagandist

@Barnesm31 @JessTheUnstill @paulc @Orc Carcinization isn't the only example of convergent evolution: there are also mustelidization, trees (trees as a clade do not exist!), sabercats (they keep evolving then going extinct) …

What's the airliner equivalent—the Boeing 737/Airbus 320 convergence?

in reply to Charlie Stross

@cstross @Barnesm31 @JessTheUnstill @paulc @Orc Somewhere, a sad furry thing with too many legs sits precisely in the center of the crab/weasel decision point.

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in reply to myrmepropagandist

Shoot, put a human driver in there and triple the capacity and you have… a better solution: The buses we already have.
in reply to myrmepropagandist

I dunno. 20 people doesn't seem like a lot.

I wonder if there's an electric vehicle that might hold a few more than that?

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to jr conlin —〰—

@jrconlin Your in SF? For some reason I thought you were New York City cool. What bookstore did you post from a couple weeks ago, the one with the ants in the binder?