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Overhearing people on the train. “They have to get people back into the office at $big-research-institute” with the accompanying impression that not doing this is responsible for some kind of scientific stagnation.
in reply to Sesquipedality

@Sesquipedality I think it’s possible they are the brand of academic who used to science. Ironically he’s something to do with public health.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

because the people who actually like dealing with people actually gravitate towards management, i think the assumption that social interaction is productive is kind of baked in. They seem to conflate their progress up the heirarchy with knowledge based progress, which is odd, but perhaps understandable in terms of how people are.
in reply to Alexandra Lanes

uncharitably it occurs to me that this might have been my former employers, and it does nothing to change my very low opinion of them. One would hope in 20 years they might have improved, but stagnation would be entirely on brand for them.