This Instituto Camões application form has a drop down field where you can list your occupation. The choices are somewhat eccentric:
Astrólogos. / Astrologers.
Parapsicólogos. / Parapsychologists.
Toureiros. / Bullfighters.
Outros artistas tauromáquicos. / Other bullfighting artists.
The neighbours in Spain might explain the last two but I am at a loss as to why astrologers and parapsychologists make the cut for what is quite a short list.
Alexandra Lanes
in reply to Alexandra Lanes • •Adam
in reply to Alexandra Lanes • • •I am reminded of my dealings with the Job Centre, telling them that I was looking for a job as a lexicographer, which was not in their system. IT is rather a worse omission though!
(the job centre had IT but it didn't have specific subdomains that I was actually looking for like "natural language processing" so it was all a bit of a pointless exercise)
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