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Been trying to contact a shipwright, ANY shipwright, in France, to help with my annual boat maintenance and, is it a French thing that NOBODY EVER FUCKING ANSWERS THEIR FUCKING EMAIL?

Do not make me fucking phone you. I am neurodivergent and I don't speak French.

in reply to Sarah Brown

Belgium does that too. you email and you get a reply saying "when can we phone you" rather than taking the fact I filled in my phone number as +32 00000000 as a hint.
in reply to Adam

On the other hand, my medics do email, which is nice compared with the UK.
in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas I'm also currently trying to deal with a Welsh piano mover with the same problem.
in reply to Adam

@Adam Yeah, see, I'm not getting as far as the "you get a reply" part.
in reply to Adam

@Adam Anyway, whenever French people ask for my phone number, I give them the +351 one.

That's got to terrify them, right?

in reply to Adam

@pseudomonas those replies are indeed annoying. "We couldn't get through to you please call us" is another tedious variant I get quite often.
in reply to Sarah Brown

I do speak Québécois, but I had a bit of an epic trying to phone stores in France and seeing if they had the rope that I wanted...
in reply to Sarah Brown

yeah. especially small businesses. I've given up sending emails.
in reply to Sarah Brown

Update: Tried texting one.

Not only did he reply, he said I can speak English with him, AND THE TEXT BUBBLES ARE BLUE!

Thank god!

in reply to GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

blue means iMessage on iPhone. So it indicates the person is an apple user. Don't know how that means anything.
in reply to GreenSkyOverMe (Monika)

@GreenSkyOverMe means they're both using the Messages app on an apple device (iphone, ipad, mac). secondarily, that they can confidently send other media eg: photos, videos to each other; it doesn't depend on phone networks to work (once each end knows the other is on iMessage, it just goes over internet) and is secure (end-to-end encrypted)