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TERFs having a normal one, destroying women’s sports because some of the cis competitors maybe remind them a bit of trans woman, none of whom ever qualify for anything anyway, even when allowed to compete.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

it's almost as if it isn't about trans women at all, but about policing and control of women based on "who looks like they belong"...

Who would have thunk it

(Narrator: we all did, we've been telling you this for years...)

in reply to Sarah Brown

oh and also a good dose of racism, because when you scratch the surface, it's always there.
in reply to Kathryn Karnage

I always forget who said "my feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit", but it seems really applicable here. (I know it from Flavia Dzodan but IIRC she's quoting someone else).