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I prefer to take advice my on child rearing from people whose kids still speak to them.…

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in reply to Sarah Brown

he has a point though, I mean if you wait until "the right time, financially", you'll put it off indefinitely - unless you already have a bank account large enough for you never to worry anyway.

There's never a good time financially to have children, people shouldn't have children because they can afford it, people should have children because they want children. Your worth infinitely increases with each child you have, even if your bank balance doesn't 😅

in reply to MeaTLoTioN

@meatlotion Just wanting to have children isn't enough, you also have to be able to care for your children. All children deserve love and care, they're not objects for parents to use for their own ends. @goatsarah
in reply to Sarah Brown

Terrible fathers keep having children because they're looking for unconditional love and uncritical admiration, a narcissistic fix. They despise their children if they ever manage to become their own people (and also despise them if they don't). It's child abuse.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

@KenSwe he can't be _that_ dysfunctional if he is/was the richest guy on the planet.

I agree that he does come out with utter drivel sometimes, but that's not all the time, nor everything he says.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@JessTheUnstill @fifilamoura Some of us wouldn’t even take on a(n already-born) cat until we felt able to do all that. The idea of subjecting a human child to unready parents who don’t want them fiercely is unconscionable.
in reply to MeaTLoTioN

@MeaTLoTioN @Kenneth M Sweeney He’s a walking coronary event who has driven away everyone who ever loved him and who could stage an intervention, and now represents everything he used to claim to hate.

Yes, he has a lot of money, but I expect he is utterly miserable.

He does not understand the point of life, and drifts further from it every day.

in reply to MeaTLoTioN

On the contrary, one does not amass such wealth without also becoming a total asswipe. Financial success requires killing one's own humanity

@KenSwe @goatsarah

in reply to MeaTLoTioN

On the contrary, one does not amass such wealth without also becoming a total asswipe. Financial success requires killing one's own humanity

@KenSwe @goatsarah