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Content warning: UK Transphobia


The linked document is being circulated amongst NHS service providers for young trans people. It advises cessation of ALL medical intervention for transition but goes further. It suggests that if the patient or parents continue to access trans healthcare outside their system, they should be reported to social services with the implicit threat that the children will be taken from their parents.


in reply to Sarah Brown

@cstross this country is basically becoming as bad as the reddest of red states in the US on this issue. And Labour aren't going to do anything. And Scotland isn't going to be a refuge.

Being older it hasn't affected me directly yet, but it's still making me increasingly anxious and depressed. for one thing, i'm sure they’ll get around to us that transitioned years ago. and for another, i mean, what a shithole this place is.

Charlie Stross reshared this.

in reply to Rachel Greenham

@StrangeNoises @cstross

The game plan is laid out for us all to see in the US. They'll come for our care next - they've effectively broken NHS clinic care, all they need to do next is block the private clinics, order GPs to stop prescribing, and bump up the controlled status of oestradiol a bit.

At which point I run to the EU.

Will it happen? I don't know. The British public as a whole aren't as deranged as the MAGA people and it will be a hard sell to do it. Depends how much further right Starmer wants to go once he's in number 10. I'd say at this point it's about 50-50

in reply to Ghost of Hope

Americans as a whole aren't as deranged as MAGAts either. The problem is that our system has been compromised to let the 30% who *are* fascists dictate to everyone else by compromising the judicial system and gerrymandering the electoral system. Hopefully the UK is less subject to that.
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in reply to Jon

@oddhack @StrangeNoises @cstross

I don't think we are, your fash are just more advanced and your far-right idiot voters a bit more numerous.

The current government here has been making noises about withdrawing from human rights conventions, reducing the power of the judiciary and so on for a while now.

And they've brought in voter ID which as we all know is a classic for suppressing the votes of the poor and minorities.

We have a real problem here in not having a written constitution.

in reply to Ghost of Hope

@grayface_ghost @oddhack @cstross OTOH they're going to lose the next election, which has to happen by January, probably sooner, and they're going to lose it badly.

the real cause for the loss of hope is that the main opposition party has been assiduously stamping on any suggestion that they might do anything differently. and in particular seem to be signed up to all the same transphobic bullshit.

in reply to Rachel Greenham

at least in the (unlikely) event Democrats here take control of the legislature and retain the executive, one of the first orders of business would be to reinstate voting rights legislation and restore abortion rights. But as you can see from our troubles, having a written constitution isn't much help when the interpretation of that document is up to fascists.
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in reply to Jon

@oddhack @grayface_ghost @cstross yes, recent US history has been an education for all of us (including here in the UK wishing for one) that a written constitution doesn't operate itself, and is only as strong as the will of the people at the controls. so it's still really operating on the Good Chap theory of government.
in reply to Ghost of Hope

@grayface_ghost @StrangeNoises @cstross
Most of us can't even run to the EU. The xenophobes trapped us here in 2016.

(I'm not trans, but I have other reasons for wanting a bolthole.)

I didn't know where Labour stood on gender recognition, so I looked it up:

in reply to C++ Guy

@CppGuy @StrangeNoises @cstross

Running to the EU involves getting a residency visa to an EU country. I have a couple of options, the most attractive is a D7 to Portugal. Most people have the option of Ireland under the CTA and then citizenship after 5 years, unless the Blue or Red Tories manage to screw that up which is looking increasingly likely.

Brexiteers have really screwed it up for us. Solidarity ✊

in reply to Ghost of Hope

On the trans rights stuff, don't ask the media. Ask trans people.

Starmer's a transphobe and so is the Shadow Health Secretary.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Unknown parent

That says exactly the same fucking thing. They’re just using euphemisms.

You’re either operating in “naive useful idiot” mode here, or you’re being a deliberate apologist. Don’t care which. plonk

Unknown parent

@jaruzel it’s… not that different of an interpretation
Unknown parent

Stop being a concern troll. You know exactly what that means to transphobes.
Unknown parent


The NHS is an incredibly transphobic organisation. This document is giving every single bigot within it free license to report people for receiving healthcare.

Do you think a transphobe, which the NHS is fucking infested with, is EVER going to think that a trans person is not "at risk" from being affirmed?

People are completely incapable of discussing anything rationally.

At least you're aware of your problem.

Unknown parent

[BUG] Lunya :3
If someone is transphobic enough that they'd want to take a child away from their parent over it, theyd also say that anything vaguely pro-trans is harmful to the child and puts them at increased risk
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Sarah Brown

well fuck stuffs gone to shit way faster than I expected after cass Jesus
in reply to Natomic

@Natomic Cass was only 22 days ago. It’s been terrifyingly fast.

Alexandra Lanes reshared this.

in reply to Sarah Brown

yeah I have no doubt there coming for adults as soon as they can
Unknown parent

"Oh noooooo she said 'fuck' when discussing exterminationists! So much for the tolerant left!"
in reply to Sarah Brown

Thank you for sharing this: passing on to all my genderqueer friends.
in reply to Sarah Brown

my daughter was around 13 when she first opened up about being trans, when she was 16/17 we started looking at the options, and camhs was the first stop after being referred.

They were helpful and pleasant, but ultimately, pretty F’ing useless. We went private and while it’s still been a ‘journey’, things are good and she’s happy. Fuck transphobes, and shitty shit like this. My daughter is my priority, her happiness is paramount and NO ONE will change that.

Rui Malheiro reshared this.

in reply to Jamie

@JamieR Exact same experience here. CAMHS recommended some group Zoom sessions but that's about it. I got the impression they were so overstretched, if the kid wasn't an immediate self harm risk they just didn't have the resources to do anything. We are also now going private but it sucks for the many people out there for whom that's not an option 🙁
in reply to ian

@ian I think they do what they can, within limits, to meet bare minimum standard … if they get 6 months to respond to something, they’ll take 6 months, which is why they process with them could be 5 years before anything significant happens.

Yes, those fortunate enough can take the easier route and pay to go private, but I genuinely fear for those that don’t have that luxury, it’s heartbreaking

in reply to Jamie

She's lucky to have you as her dad. 🙂

Edit: typo.

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in reply to violetmadder

@violetmadder @Site Reliability Enby🏳️‍⚧️🏁🔦📈🐺👗 @Jaruzel I am simply not here for information posts being hijacked by concern trolls and “debate me bro” bullshit. That stuff belongs on Twitter.
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown
@MidgePhoto That has already been done. This replaces it. This is not accident or incompetence. It is deliberate malice. They want to hurt us. That’s the whole point.
Unknown parent

Sarah Brown

@MidgePhoto I do not believe you are engaging in good faith. This document is going to result in deaths of kids who can’t get help because their parents are terrified they will be placed in “care” and forcibly subjected to conversion “therapy”.

You’re a transphobe. Get the hell off my post.

in reply to Sarah Brown

@MidgePhoto “mundane”. Jesus fucking Christ! Talk about the banality of evil.

The fuck is wrong with these people that not only do they want us casually exterminated? They want to get up in our face on social media and gloat about it.

in reply to Sarah Brown

This is just terrible.

I am no expert, but surely there must be plenty of studies with positive results? Claiming “very little is known” just doesn’t make sense.

Suspecting much of this is purely political, not medical.

in reply to Tormod Halvorsen

@Tormod Halvorsen It’s entirely political. This is part of a phenomenon that I have seen called, “policy-based evidence making”
in reply to Sarah Brown

Seems to me that MDs should stand up to MPs, but here we are. They took an oath, after all...
in reply to Tormod Halvorsen

@Tormod Halvorsen You may well say that, and i wouldn’t argue.

Sadly, the health system in the UK is institutionally transphobic, and always has been.