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Apparently there are ongoing repercussions from a comparison I made some time ago between TERFs and pubic lice.

My only regret is that TERFs’ metabolisms keep going if you drench them in dimethicone.

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in reply to Sarah Brown

TERF bullshit, long

So the background here is that I referred to TERFs as pests that are particularly recalcitrant, like pubic lice or bedbugs.

And various people liked the post, including some who are members or a UK political party.

And some pubic louse with nothing better to do is complaining about them because they liked my post.

And said pubic louse got told to go piss into the wind by the complaints process.

So instead of taking the hint that everyone hates them and all their bullshit works, they set out to prove me right by just being UTTERLY FUCKING UNABLE TO JUST PISS OFF AND LEAVE PEOPLE IN PEACE.

I’m sure the irony of this situation is lost on them. Silly fucker.

in reply to Sarah Brown

She must really hate it that I resigned from said party and then emigrated to get away from the likes of her and their bullshit, and as a result there is nothing they can do to get at me other than bother my friends.

I mean, I am annoyed on behalf of my friends, but I also appear to have triple residency now: Portugal, the UK, and rent-free in their heads.